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Storytime (because Moon hates to call it a bedtime story) had became interesting after two weeks of the classes Sun and Moon were having.

Moon became more engaged in looking at the book instead of staring ahead like he usually does. This time, he seemed to want to read with you, even if their reading was still sloppy. It was a wonderful start that made your chest bloom with butterflies. Moon, little precious Moon, would try to read the page you had just did, trying his best to remember which letter sounded like what, and, to be fair, he was learning pretty fast!

Now story time became another learning class for them, where Moon would read whatever page caught his attention. And you? You would smile and encourage him further, of course, with so much care to spare. Even if Moon pretended the praise didn't affect him, you could still see that adorable bluish blush coat his cheeks, and that made you happy. Seeing them happy makes you happy, and you'll die for this feeling to stay forever.

Their lectures continued just fine, with you giving them small quizzes to solve, which they were getting better at day by day. They had been struggling with the differences in certain words, though, "you're" and "your" being one of them. You had tried to give the best advice on how to tell the difference, which by reading the word without any shortcuts.

For example, if they weren't sure which one to use, they could break apart the word "you're" to "you are" and see if it fits the sentence. Same goes for "their" and "they're". After that, they had showed great succession in telling the difference.

That's when you notice that Moon is left-handed, unlike Sun, who is right-handed. It was a small surprise, but it added flavor to the way they wrote and learned regardless.

You praise what you can, too, knowing the effect it has on both individuals. Sun wouldn't hide his giddiness at the praise while Moon seemed to want the ground to swallow him. Either way, they both liked it.

Their teachers were nice too, if not a little strict, but that was fine. Being a little stern isn't a problem.

However, one thing stuck with you more.

"Eclipse?" You ask, tilting your head in wonder.

"Hmm!" Sun hums, smiling big your way.

It had been the time you signed them up the first time for the lectures, since they can't write or read, that you realized they can't name themselves both Sun and Moon at the same time. The option for their rare species was a surprise to both of you, but not in a bad way. It was when you discovered their middle name— or, as they said:

"Full name," Sun continues. "Or d-double name. It's what we call ourselves as a whole."

You hum. "Eclipse is your whole name, then?"

"Yes!" The blond nods, his smile beaming at you. You smile back, unable not to do so. Just seeing these two smile makes you feel wonderful things, including giddiness. Their happiness is alluring, you want to see more of it.

"That's a cute name. It suits you," You exclaim, booping the other on the nose and earning a giggle. Giggly little things, their laugh is so infectious you can't help but chuckle.

Sun's smile cannot stretch any further, but it still does. The peachy color that dusted their cheeks makes you sneak a hand to their face, grabbing lightly at the fat of their cheeks, squeezing. Sun fakes a pout, halfheartedly shaking their head from your grasp.

"Eclipse, what a wonderful and cute name," You continue, pressing a kiss over their cheek as an apology. "So adorable for you, precious even." Another kiss on their left cheek, it earns you a laugh, and your smile stretches further. "My precious Eclipse, I adore you so much." Then a last kiss over their forehead, sweet and gentle, and Sun is no more than a puddle in your hold.

My Baby (Sun/Moon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now