First Impressions

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It was snowing outside!

That was Sun's first thought when he looked out the window.

Unlike Moon, who doesn't like cold places, Sun is fond of snow. While, it didn't bring him many fond memories, he still refused to let that blind him from the enjoyment of snow.

("I'm sorry!")

Nothing can ruin the fun of it. He was warm-blooded, unlike Moon, so the cold didn't bother him as much. Nothing a jacket and warm boots can't fix.

("I won't do it again!")

If anything, they can have so much fun with you! You sure wouldn't mind playing in the snow, would you?

It's snowing outside, which means fun for all. Sun wants that, the feeling of being carefree.


Sun sighed, willing himself to focus on something else. Oh! Like the cool story their teacher is telling. They were supposed to catch any mistake in the sentence and here was Sun, dozing off. He can't slack on school! Especially that it was something they didn't know they'd ever have.

They can't take it for granted. Not again.


The snow is cool. Both in temperature and sight. Sun wants to say he liked it, but he would be overestimating his feelings.

You had offered to go out in the backyard to enjoy some hot chocolate and take a breather. Sun had agreed. But now? Now he wished he hadn't.

It was simple snow.

(It was cold.)

It won't harm him.

(He was scared while locked in that old cabin.)

But he isn't now. There's nothing there. These were just dead memories, and he shouldn't provoke them, unlike what he's doing. Old memories should stay put and out of reach, far away from him. They should. Why aren't they, then?

The frost bit at the tip of his nose, his coat shielding the worst of it away. Sun hugged himself, dozing at the image of the white snow just a foot away.

It's cold.

(It had been colder.)

The sun's out and about, despite the heavy clouds.

(The sun had set hours ago. It is dark.)


Sun looks at you, waving meekly from his spot where he froze. "Coming," He calls back, going to the table you had set everything on. They sit, placing their crutch aside. You smile gently at them, filling their cup. The smell of cocoa is refreshing, tickling their nose and filling their lungs with warmth. They liked that, it was better than overthinking things. Just let the memories bury themselves back under.

Sun holds the cup, warming his hands with it. His mind reeled back, he was losing his senses to reality, and grasping for it was hard.

It was simple snow.

(It had been utterly freezing.)

He's wearing a coat, and it's shielding the biting cold away.

(He had nothing to keep warm.)

Sun slowly sips from his cup. You were busy typing away at your laptop while Sun had to do his homework, which was to simply trace words so he'd improve his handwriting. Which... was a mess. He should really practice more if he wanted anyone (even himself) to understand the words.

My Baby (Sun/Moon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now