Late Night Snacks, Late Night Talks

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One of the only things Sun liked about the current of his situation was the food that didn't make him feel nauseous, if no one counted anxiety-inducing nausea.

And that's all.

Technically, it had been just a day, with the current time being somewhere around nine. The dinner served was very light, much to the blond's relief. Then, a nurse came to replace the IV pack once it was almost empty. A perfect distraction and without the IV hooked to them anymore—

And that's how they ended up in the hall, a little bit lost... Definitely haven't gotten out to see if you are still around. Of course not.

Moon should've known better than to sneak out when the nurse left to get a new pack. In his defense, he just wanted to look around a little bit, but their sense of direction was thrown into a frenzy with how big the place was— every hallway looked identical, and as the minutes ticked, Moon became very aware of how lost they had gotten. They could've sworn they didn't get too far, but yet, they couldn't get a reading which was the right way and which was not, especially with the hallways that led to multiple places.

Grimacing at their situation, Moon decided to sit down for a little, not admitting defeat yet but still a little sore. He had made sure not to use his right hand, which had the IV's needle still there, in fear it might break into his vein— so the use of only one arm was tiring.

Sitting against the creamy wall, Moon folded his arms, making great work not to pay attention to his counterpart's worried thoughts.

It'll be fine. They wouldn't get in trouble. It had just been a mistake— sure, Moon did sneak out on purpose, but he hadn't meant to get lost.

"We should try and find our way back," Sun stressed, anxiously waiting for Moon to move.

Moon just huffed but relented, using the actually helpful railing over the wall. Their arm was still sore but Sun was right, they had to get back before they actually got in trouble. You had left an hour or so ago and wouldn't be able to help them out if that happened, not to mention that Moon didn't want you to know. Now they just had to find that receptionist's desk since their room was right in front of it—

"Hold on!"

Moon froze, not daring to look at the caller. Were they even calling him? Hopefully not.

Unfortunately for them, before long, a nurse was leaning over in their view. The first thing they noticed was how the amber of his eyes was so bright, matching that of his hair. For a Human, Moon couldn't remember seeing such an odd color. But this wasn't the time to think how yellow Humans can get, he has to find a way around this situation!

The man takes their wrist, reading the numbers over it— if it actually means anything, that is.

Amber eyes scanned over their leg before looking around. "How'd you even get here?" He mumbled. "Wait here, I'll get a wheelchair—"

"No," Moon cut him in, frowning. "We can walk. Just point the way." They didn't mean to sound snappy, but they were already too embarrassed to be caught like this to care.

The man opens his mouth, probably to acknowledge the fact that, no, they can't actually walk, but quickly closes it. Seeing the determination (and stubbornness) on the other's face proved they wouldn't budge. So, with a sigh, the nurse ushered with a hand towards the left hallway. "Alright alright. This way,"

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