A Bandage for You, a Bandage for Me

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The first thing Moon did when you both arrived home was ask to be taken to their room, a whispery request you almost didn't hear, as if speaking any louder will make them burn.

You understood, how could you not? So, you took them there, sitting them over the bed, and watching as Moon slowly crawled under the sheets, hiding from view. Letting the blankets be a small hideout from the world. No other words were exchanged— no short glances or lingering holds. The silence of which left you feeling dread. Though, it cannot be helped, this moment isn't something you can fix.

With a quiet sigh, you leave them be.

There wasn't much you could do anyway, and that thought just made it worst. Being incapable of helping always left a sore feeling in your lungs. You couldn't bear the thought, but you couldn't and wouldn't invade their privacy. If they wished to be alone then you'll leave them be.

This isn't something you should interfere with.

So, you went back downstairs to settle in the living room, searching YouTube for a receipt to make, deciding on something light.

When that's decided, you take off your mind by trying not to burn dinner.


This wasn't supposed to happen.

No. They knew this will happen, they just never thought of the idea it'll happen so soon. That they'd get talked over that their leg isn't salvageable anymore. That it is truly, and utterly, useless.

Though, hearing it, Sun and Moon couldn't help but fall into shock— disbelieving the idea altogether. Because, of course, how could they think of it and not feel their whole body shake? They sometimes don't even believe their leg has stopped hurting. That it had been broken beyond repair, even. That this was just a little mishap and they'd get to walk again not long after.

But those were just wishful thoughts.

Those were little hopes that will get them nowhere.

And what makes it worst is that they know. They know it wouldn't help them— wishes are only wishes, and not all dreams are to come true. They had been ignoring the thing for far too long, stretching their time thin until the string broke—

Most things always come to an end. They can't stop time.

Moon hugged the goose tightly, and if it was alive it would've suffocated. Their mind flooded with too many thoughts all at once, blurring over and over till the image of their sorrow is harder to understand.

Then, dissociation hit like a rock, sucking everything in its way. The feeling was all that familiar, but even that was swallowed soon after.

The blanket of static over them was heavy.

Moon refused to acknowledge anything else.


Dinner was denied.

Pills and creams were denied too.

Moon denied talking at all let alone show you he was listening. He'd been hiding under their blanket since you came from the hospital, so you let them be after sitting their medicine and dinner on the table, hoping they'd take them.

You'd give them time. They deserve it.

But time could do so much when they didn't respond to you the next day nor had they eaten anything at all. Morning passes and so does noon till the light outside begins to darken, but no response is given.

My Baby (Sun/Moon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now