Chapter 49

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"Oh Alex." Maggie felt her heart swell as she saw the tiny baby in the nurse's arms.

Her eyes were closed, and she wasn't making a sound. She could faintly see her chest jumping, like she was trying to breathe but wasn't quite able to catch it. Another nurse quickly cuts the cord and the baby was taken to the back of the room where she was cleaned and wrapped in a blanket. There were so many nurses and doctors around her that Maggie couldn't see what was happening. She heard voices, but she couldn't make it into anything that made sense to her.

"Maggie." Maggie looked down to Alex as she heard her voice.

Alex had tears rolling down her cheeks.

"She'll be okay." Maggie choked back tears of her own.

Maggie looked up as she heard moment and watched as the nurse who was holding Jelly rushed out of the room, a second nurse following.

"Go." Alex told her. "Maggie, please. Go with her. You have to be with Jelly."

Alex pushed at Maggie, wanting her to. Maggie looked out of the room before she looked back to her wife.

"Go." Alex pleaded with her, Maggie turning and running out of the room to be with Jelly.

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