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Y/N's POV. -

Sitting inside the car, my mind kept replaying the scenes that happened just a few minutes ago. I could feel my heartbeat racing unevenly. My cheeks were heating along with my whole body. His touch gave me foreign sensations that I'd never felt before.

I flinch hearing the sound of the door opening and kept my gaze low. No way I would be able to look into his eyes again. While nervously fiddling with my fingers, my nose picked up the fresh and mild fragrance of flowers and from the corner of my eye, I saw him keeping the bouquet of white roses in the backseat.

I looked out of the window when he moved a little closer to me while placing it, but my head immediately snapped towards my lap when he placed another bouquet in my lap. My lips curved as I looked at the beautiful bunch of tulips and gently grasped them to bring them closer to my nose.

Inhaling lightly my smile widened as the refreshing and pleasant smell of the flowers entered my nose. Caressing my fingers delicately on the petals,  I couldn't help but giggle.

"You like them?"

My head turned towards Namjoon with the widest grin on my face and I nodded my head like a fool agreeing to his statement. His lips which held a small smile dilated giving me a different kind of comfort.

"I love them."

I again smelled the flowers and heard him chuckle at my acts.

"You surely do."

He said before getting back on his seat and fastening his seatbelt. He again started to drive and I kept looking at the flowers.

It's not like I've never brought them before, but it was the first time someone gave them to me. And that feeling wasn't letting me sit still. The smile refused to leave my face and I completely forgot about the little incident that happened in the flower shop.

"Thank you."

I said while looking at Namjoon who gave me a quick glance and shook his head.

"You don't have to. But are you okay? I mean you slipped back there. You didn't hurt yourself right?"

My eyes widened a little but I just shook my head still staring at the flowers.



That's all he said before the silence took over. But this time it was a comfortable and soothing one. I didn't feel awkward or stiffen anymore. The remaining ride, I keep looking out of the window.

The car finally stopped and my gaze went all around the place to see where we were. My smile instantly dropped when I realised where I was. My hold around the flowers tightened looking in front of me. It was a graveyard.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even hear when Namjoon got out of the car and walked towards my side. He opened the door for me making me flinch and looked towards him.

He gave me a gentle smile and forwarded his hand for me to hold. I hesitantly grabbed his hand and stepped out of the car. The atmosphere was nice and warm but still, it didn't change the fact that it was a graveyard.

"Don't be scared. I'm here."

His voice was soft and comforting and I looked at him to see his eyes staring down at me with warmth. I composed myself and gave out a small smile to him before following his footsteps.

His one hand held the bouquet of white roses while the other was holding my palm gently. We strolled through the multiple graves before he stopped and stood in front of one.

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