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Y/n's POV. -


My body flinched with the high-tone voice. I tried to move but felt my body paining due to the weight over me. But in less than a second, I felt light. I opened my eyes and from my blurry vision, I saw Felix pulling John away from me. I sobbed and tried to sit but I jerked with the sudden touch on my shoulder.

I blinked my eyes and saw Mina and Eva holding my shoulder and helping me to sit. I yelped in pain and sat up. My breathing was heavy and my eyes were continuously flowing. I gulped and looked in front to see Felix beating John. My head hurt like hell and I closed my eyes before shrinking myself.


I heard a few voices around me but I couldn't understand anything. I felt like dying. I clutched my knees tightly and dug my head in my knees. Someone was patting my back but I wasn't in a state to understand anything. I sobbed and sobbed until my throat turned dry.


The familiar manly voice made me raise my head. I glanced at Felix crouching in front of me. He gently held my shoulder and pulled me closer. I broke down in his arms as he secured me in his embrace. I cried until my head felt heavy and I couldn't remember anything else.

I felt my body immobile. My surroundings were dark and silent. I opened my eyes but there was nothing around. My fist tightened but I wasn't able to move my hands or legs. I parted my lips to speak but no words came out of it. I was taking long breaths but there wasn't enough air around me. And suddenly I felt a touch on my legs. I shrieked silently. Trying to get rid of the touch, I moved my body but it didn't work. The touch moved towards my hands and then I felt it over my face.

My mouth finally left a scream and opened my eyes wide. There wasn't any darkness around me. I raked my eyes around and sat up. I was in my room. My breathing was heavy and there wasn't anyone around. My eyes were teary as warm tears flowed from my eyes. I gulped and cried loudly while clutching my chest.   


My ears perked up at the voice and I looked at the door. There was slight darkness in the room, but I was able to understand that it was Felix. He hastily walked towards me and turned the lights on before sitting on the bed.

"Are you okay?"

He asked and moved a little closer to touch my hand. I shiver for unknown reasons and my fingers tremble. He pulled me closer before hugging me tightly. I buried my face in his chest trying to get rid of the memories.

It had been 2 days since the incident happened and I wasn't able to get rid of the memories. Every night I would wake up with the same dream and end up crying. Thanks to Felix who was there to console me. He made sure that I didn't feel scared and lonely.

But I wasn't able to get out of it. I kept crying at night. I haven't gone to college for the last two days. Felix said that he had filed a case against John and he got arrested. But it didn't help me at all. I just couldn't get out of that memory.

I sobbed and parted from the hug. He wiped my tears and patted my back.

"Had a bad dream?"

He asked and I nodded while lowering my head. He sighed before giving me water. I drank a little making me feel better. I sniffled and wiped my nose.

"Want to watch a movie?"

I raised my head and glanced at him smiling at me. I gulped and nodded my head. He got up from the bed and removed the comforter, helping me to step down the bed. I silently got out of bed and followed him to the hall. He turned on the lights and I sat on the couch.

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