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Y/N's POV. -

Staring at the ceiling blankly, I lay on my bed without blinking. My eyes started to hurt due to constant staring but I couldn't move my gaze. My mind was playing all the things that had happened in a single day.

Everything's messed up.

My gaze turned towards the window and I saw the stars brightly shining in the dark sky. The cold breeze was entering making the curtains float. A sigh left my mouth and I finally closed my eyes giving up on my thoughts.

I was again in the same house, same room, with the same roommate. The only difference is that now I have a little idea about who he is. But that didn't change the fact that I was living with a stranger.

The reminder itself made me shudder and curl myself in a ball. Suddenly my favourite weather was suffocating me. I feel the need to escape. Maybe Dad was right. I should have given up on my dreams and lived the life he had planned for me.

"She's too fragile and innocent to face the cruel world of business."

Namjoon's words rang in my ears causing my eyes to moisture. He's right. Maybe I'm too fragile to deal with not only the business world but the real world too.

I closed my eyes feeling the warm tears wetting my cheeks. The cold night felt even colder with heaviness in my chest. All upon that, the burden of lying to Namjoon after all he had done for me was crushing me under guilt.

A sob erupted from my throat and I buried myself more in the sheets. My chest tightened and I felt the shortage of air. My fist clenched my chest in an attempt to get rid of this feeling.

It's hard to breathe. I can't breathe.

My ears perked at the sound of vibrations. I gulped down my sobs before looking at the side table where my phone was. My lips were quivering and in that state, I picked up the phone to see Namjoon calling me.

I don't know what happened suddenly but just looking at his name made me miss him to the extent that I burst into cries. How came he became so important to me just in 2 weeks?

With my trembling fingers, I answered the call and tried to control my sobs. I brought the phone closer to my ear and a soothing sensation washed over me hearing his voice.

"Did you forget me in just one day?"

There was a playfulness in his tone and I could feel his mischievous grin through the screen. That made me lose my control and an ugly sob escaped my mouth even after I tried to hold back.

"Y/N? Are you crying? Is everything ok? Are you hurt?"

My cries intensified hearing his worried voice and I covered my mouth with my palm to stop my sobs.

"Sweetheart. Please calm down. You're scaring me."

His voice turned low and uneasy. I felt bad for making him worried and realised that he must be panicking. I sat up on my bed.

"Are you okay?"

He asked again after I kept silent for a while. His voice was getting deeper and deeper.


I tried to voice out but my throat felt dry and I must have sounded horse. I gulp a lump with the silence enveloping me.

"Are you sure?"

He asked again making me wipe my tears and hiccup. I wetted my dried lips and took a long breath to calm my sobs.


He sighed hearing my voice and I clutched the sheets. My chest twisted with every passing second.

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