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Namjoon's POV. -

I woke up feeling better. My head was hurting a little before due to the continued travelling but now it is much better. I shuffled in the bed and snuggled in the comforter. It smelled like her. I smiled and removed it before sitting on the bed. Ruffling my hair I looked around the room but Y/N wasn't there.

I stretched my body and stepped down from the bed. The door clicked open making me halt and look at it. My smile widened when I noticed her standing in the doorframe. She looked at me and a small smile appeared on her face.

"Had a good sleep?"

She asked entering in making me nod my head. I wasn't able to sleep for the past few days but today the short nap felt satisfying. She giggled and came closer before brushing my hair away from my eyes. My eyes raked over her face with my lips tucking in a small smile. She was glowing. I was so excited to meet her that I finished my work 2 days earlier than expected. She had become my solace.

I sneaked my arm around her waist to pull her close making her gasp and place her hands on my chest. Her eyes dialect as she gaped in my eyes. I could still feel the touch of her lips over mine. She was making me addicted to her. I leaned to kiss her cheek and she timidly lowered her gaze.

"I made food."

She whispered and I nuzzled my nose over her cheek before parting away.

"For me?"

I asked and she nodded without looking up. I chuckled and left her waist to take a step back. She hesitantly looked at me causing me to smile. She smiled back and turned around to leave the room. I giggled before following her and walking out of the room.

Coming into the hall, I caught the sight of Felix. He was sitting on the couch and staring at the TV. I don't know why I feel like he's not liking me being here. Or maybe I'm just overthinking. Y/N said that he's a nice guy. He helps her and all. But my mind was not ready to accept it.


I snapped my head to the other side when I heard Y/N calling. I smiled and moved towards her. She entered the other room and I followed her footsteps. It was the kitchen.

She went towards the stove and started to serve the food in a bowl. I couldn't help but smile looking at her.

"I didn't know you can cook."

I said while standing near the fridge supporting my shoulder. She glanced at me with a wide grin.

"I just started learning. And Felix me."

She paused and whispered the last words making me scrunch my face. I don't know why I feel like she purposely says his name. The corner of my lip twitched as I gaped at her back-facing figure. Her hair was tied in a messy bun giving me a glimpse of her slender neck.

Is she trying to make me feel jealous?

I licked my lips before taking slow steps towards her. She was still busy. I stood behind her before supporting my hands on the counter on either side of her. Her back touched my chest making her stiff. I leaned closer to her neck before placing my lips over her skin.

I felt her take a deep breath and her neck titled sideways as she leaned back on me. I parted my lips to suck on her neck. She trembled when my teeth nibbled her sweet spot. I could feel her body heating up. I sucked one more time before soothing her burning skin with light pecks and backed a little.

I looked at her from the side and saw her eyes were forced close. She was breathing heavily while her hands fisted over the counter. I removed the curly strand of hair from her ear before whispering.

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