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Y/N's POV.-

I was happy. Suddenly everything was perfect. I feel contented. It's like there's nothing more that I want now.

Since we both entered the shop, I kept taking glances at him. Every time he smiles or talks, my eyes get stuck on him. His aura feels welcoming. It's like I don't have to pretend anything in front of him. I can be myself. Without any restrictions.

When he said that he didn't have any problem with me going to Soul, It felt surreal. His smile was genuine, his actions were genuine. And that gave me comfort and made me feel relaxed.

The moment when we started to talk, I lost myself in his words. The gossip lasted until we reached my house and when I realised that we had to part ways I was disappointed.

He understood my mind and ruffled my hair which made me giggle. It wasn't awkward anymore. There was nothing like the first day we met or the day of our engagement. Everything was different. I was different.

I thanked him genuinely for whether he have done for me. I can't express in words how much he's helping me.

Our eyes met, and I could read his unspoken thoughts. His eyes held the same emotions that I was experiencing. His touch was gentle as a feather and his gaze was soft.

His finger brushed my cheek making my heartbeat increase. His eyes kept me stiffen under them. Slowly he decreased the distance between us and for a moment my body sparked with fire.

My eyes shut in anticipation and I don't know what I was expecting. But the touch of his soft lips on my forehead calmed every nerve in my body. His scent gave me a sense of comfort. And his embrace felt like home.

Whenever he comes close to me, I feel my heart bursting with weird sensations. But for the very first time, I felt peaceful by being near him. His presence was alluring.

He pulled away but didn't move away. I could feel his gaze on me. His finger still caressing my cheek. I opened my eyes to look at him and when his eyes met mine, a wave of shyness washed over me. I looked down almost immediately.

He took a deep breath before muttering.

"Anything for you sweetheart."

My lips stretched in a shy smile. I took another glance at him and seeing his gaze still on me made me feel timid. I looked away and he also moved back to give me space.

My smile refuses to leave my face.

"You should go in."

He said and I realized that we were in front of my house. My eyes landed on the gates and a sudden fear crept in me. Now that I think about it, I haven't talked with my parents about it yet.

"Anything wrong?"

Namjoon asked pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked at him with lost eyes. He held my hand gently.

"Did you talk with your parents?"

He asked exactly what I was thinking and I wondered how he was able to understand me so well. Is he a mind reader?


I mumble while looking down. I felt bad. Horrible actually. What kind of daughter I was? I didn't discuss anything with my parents and decided that I wanted to go to Soul.

I wasn't scared to talk with them, but facing their rejection and harsh words was something I couldn't handle. It was the only reason why I always agreed to everything they told me. I don't like arguing with them. Because at the end of the day, what they want will happen.

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