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Y/N's POV. -

Another two days passed and I was coping with my excitement. Never before have I felt so much eager for my birthday. Even though I knew that getting excited would only lead to disappointment if nothing that I was imagining happened. But I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it again and again.

When Eva saw my ring, she squealed so loudly. She kept looking at it and praising how beautiful it was. I couldn't help but smile at her compliments.

Felix had been awfully quiet for the past two days. I tried to talk with him multiple times but he would cut the conversation short. I shrugged it off thinking maybe he's busy with his practice and all. I focused on my painting while sitting in the class. The period was about to get over. I smiled satisfyingly seeing the result of my hard work.

I washed my hands and cleaned all the equipment before placing them neatly.


I turned around to find Eva standing near my seat, all set to leave. I chuckled at her before gathering my stuff and walking out of the class with her. We both were chatting while walking. She took me to the practice room and I saw the boys there. I smiled seeing them working hard.

They noticed us and Aron stopped the music. We both walked closer to them and as usual, Eva ran towards Aron. I glanced at Felix and saw him busy with his work. My smile faded as I realised that he again started to ignore me like before.

"Hey Y/N, isn't your birthday tomorrow?"

Chris asked making me smile a little and nod. He gasped and looked towards others.

"Oh, wow. Happy birthday in advance. So what's the plan?"

Aron asked making me bite my lips and shrug my shoulders. I peeked at Eva and saw her wiggling her eyebrows. I looked down with a timid smile and my cheeks turned pink.

"C'mon Y/N, we want a party."

Chris said making me smile a little.

"I don't like parties."

I stated with an apologetic expression. They exchanged looks before looking at me with a smile.

"That's fine. We can just hang out together and make your day more fun."

A genuine smile appeared on my face hearing Aron. I nodded my head and they all chuckled.

"Okay then. Tomorrow, at Y/N's place, party!!!"

Chris announced and they all cheered. Eva came towards me and whispered in my ear.

"I hope we don't disturb something."

She teased making me slap her hand playfully and look away. My heartbeat raced thinking about tomorrow. I controlled my smile and tried to act normal.

Don't get too excited stupid.

I scolded myself and tried to mingle in the conversation. But my whole attention was somewhere else.

Namjoon still hasn't messaged me. But I didn't feel bad anymore, because I knew that he must be busy. And once he gets free, he will definitely come to meet me. I smiled at the thought but stopped grinning when Eva nudged me. She raised an eyebrow making me gulp and shook my head. She chuckled and we both engaged ourselves in the conversation.

After talking with the boys, we left the university. I came back to the dorm. It was almost evening so I decided to make something sweet. I was craving for sweets. I went to my room, took fresh clothes and changed into them. Then I freshened up and entered the kitchen. There was a smile on my lips as I hummed to my favourite song while making a sweet dish. I was so lost in my world, that I didn't realise how fast the time was moving.

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