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Namjoon's POV. -

I sat on the couch in the hall. Everyone left. I asked them to give us a little space so that I could talk to Y/N freely. I don't want her to feel awkward and hold back anything. I know she would either burst on me with all her anger or would get immensely emotional and cry. I'm ready for anything as long as she will feel better.

Felix also left without saying anything. I can understand his situation, but whatever he did was wrong. And he needs to look after his mistakes.

Before leaving, Y/N's friend, Eva told me something disturbing. She told me that during her birthday celebration, one of their college seniors harassed
Y/n. She was stressed, hurt and in pain. She needed me.

I palmed my face feeling restless thinking about it. How did I get so self-conscious that I forgot that she could be needing me? She came here after I pursued her. How did I leave her struggling? I inhaled deeply and stood up.

I took slow steps to walk towards her room. I gulped before twisting the doorknob and entering the room. It had turned dark. The room was dimly lit. The slight brightness entering through the window made the room glow.

I heave a sigh seeing her sleeping on the bed. I moved my steps to walk closer to the bed before crouching down beside her. I gazed at her calm face which was lost in the dreamland. A slight smile appeared on my face seeing her after so long. It's not that long since we last met, but not being able to hear her voice made me feel like we were apart for eternity.

I gently moved her hair away from her face to get a clear view of her face. Her cheeks were reddened due to all the crying. It made my heart churn. I feathered her cheek lightly. Her temperature had dropped but she was still warm. Her face scrunched a little feeling my fingers touching her cheek.

She moved her face before squinting her eyes and opening them. I kept staring at her as she opened her eyes and looked around. She slowly gained consciousness before her gaze turned towards me. I saw her sleepy eyes turning a little wide before she blinked multiple times. She brought her hand closer to her face and rubbed her eyes hastily. I held her wrist to stop her.

"It will hurt."

I mumble pulling her hand away. I saw her eyes widening even more before she parted her lips.


I smiled hearing her voice. It sent an instant soothing sensation in my body.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

She gasped and attempted to sit up. I supported her shoulders to help her sit. I got up from the ground and sat beside her on the bed. She blinked her doe eyes while staring at me before they turned moist. I inhaled sharply when I saw her staring at me through her tearful gaze. I parted my lips to say something, but she threw her hands around my shoulder and hugged me tightly.

I wrapped my hands around her embracing her. She snuggled in my neck giving all her weight on me. I felt my heartbeat calming down after hugging her. Her warmth and her fragrance made me feel at home. I caressed her back and head while she snuggled more and more into me. My heart broke hearing her hiccup as she wiped in my arms.

"Shh!!! Sweetheart. Don't cry."

I mumbled and kissed the side of her head. She clutched me tightly while sobbing. I kept caressing her back until she calmed down. I lowered my lips to her shoulder and kissed her lightly.

"I'm sorry."

She sniffled and loosened her hands. I kept holding her when she parted from the hug slowly. I gazed at her tear-stained cheeks and brought my hands to wipe them. She blinked her eyes while staring at me before her sad and quivering face turned a little furious. I silently observed her every action. She fisted her hand and shoved me before getting away from me. I bit my lips seeing her angry face. Although she didn't look angry but more like a cute little baby, but I could understand her emotions. She was hurt.

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