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Y/N's POV. -

Another two weeks passed, and things were getting better. Except that, I'm still feeling guilty for hiding the truth from Namjoon and my family.

I can't believe one month has already passed since I came to Seoul. My life has changed and I'm trying my best to adjust to it. I've decided to accept the fact that maybe I've to share my dorm with a boy for one year. The frequent calls and messages with Namjoon are keeping me sane and I'm able to survive. But I really don't know how long I'll be able to do this.

I huff with the thoughts running through my mind. My hands were giving strokes on the white paper but my attention was somewhere else.

"Okay, students. That's it for today. Enjoy your weekend. See you on Monday."

The teacher said and everyone wished her back. I sighed and placed back my brush. I cleaned my equipment and went to wash my hands. When I returned to my place, I saw Eva standing there with a wide smile.


She squealed looking at me and I giggled at her reaction.

"Hey, Eva. Something special?"

I asked and her eye sparkled as she told me her weekend plans.

"Yes. We've decided to hang out as it's the weekend. Aron told me to ask you to join us."

She said and my smile faded. I'm not a fan of outings and crowded places. I smile weakly trying not to hurt Eva.

"I'm sorry Eva. But I really can't join you."

I saw her eyes getting dull as she stared at me with her puppy eyes. I gulped trying to keep an apologetic face.

"Please Y/N. It's weekend. We can enjoy."

She said and I sighed. I know that, but I'm just not interested. I tried to deny her politely. But her being her, she was successful in convincing me. At last, I gave up and agreed. I think I should try something different.

We both talk while exiting our classroom. She was chattering and I was just listening to her. Suddenly she stopped in her tracks and looked at me.

"Do you wanna see boys practising?"

She asked and I looked at her confusingly. Before I could comprehend her words and give a reply she started to pull me with her. She took me to a hall where there was a crowd of students. The music was audible even from the distance.

"What is this?"

I asked looking around. Eva just smiled at me and took me to the front. When we were at the front of the crowd, I noticed what everyone was looking at.

My eyes widened seeing Felix, Aron and Chris. They were dancing effortlessly to the music. I couldn't help but gape at how their bodies moved so flexibly on every beat. Everyone around us was cheering and hooting for them. My lips stretched as I gazed at them passionately dancing to the music.

The music stopped and everyone cheered loudly. I saw a few girls drooling over them making me chuckle. Eva clapped her hands and jumped up and down when the dance stopped. She held my hand and took me closer to them. When Aron noticed us he smiled widely and spread his arms. Eva giggled before running towards him and hugging him tightly. I roamed my sight around to see some girls glaring at them making me huff.

"You're so amazing."

Eva said while pecking Aron's cheek and he chuckled while panting from the extreme dancing. I saw Felix approaching them and handing him water.

I immediately lowered my gaze and scooted to the corner to not get in people's eyes. I still remember what he told me. I need to be careful. But then I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Chris looking at me with a sweet smile.

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