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Namjoon's POV. -

"Mom Dad, we're home."

I announced entering the house and as expected my overly excited parents almost ran into the living room making me chuckle.

Mom didn't spare me a single glance but directly rushed towards Y/N who was standing there nervously. I could understand her situation but I'm sure that it wouldn't take her even half of the day to make Y/N feel at home here.

I smile seeing Y/N bowing towards my parents respectfully.

"Oh, dear. It's not needed."

Mom chuckled and pulled Y/N in a hug and I felt her getting awkward. I sigh not knowing how to tell Mom that she's still adjusting and needs some time.

"Mom. Are you not going to let us enter?"

I asked causing my father to laugh.

"He's right, at least let them sit."

Mom gave me a fake angry expression before pulling Y/N with her to the couch. Me and dad followed her and took seats opposite them.

"How are you, dear?"

Mom asked while caressing Y/N's hair and I saw her glancing at me with a nervous gaze. I, in return, gave her a reassuring smile. She tried to smile and spoke.

"I'm good."

I don't know why I felt like smiling like a fool looking at Mom and her sitting beside each other and talking so lovingly. 

"Are you excited? Namjoon told me that you're going to complete your studies. Y/N, you can do anything you love, we don't have any problem. Actually, I wanted to tell you this before the engagement, but everything happened so suddenly that I didn't get a chance."

Mom glanced towards Dad while saying and he also nodded his head in assurance. I could see the little smile of relief spreading over Y/N's face which made me feel at ease.

Mom continues to chatter as she always does whenever she gets excited. Dad also joined their conversation. I was just staring at Y/N who was now getting more comfortable and had started to respond to Mom's words.

While talking, Y/N brought her hand to her face, tucking the hair strand falling on her face which made her side profile visible to me. I had to take a deep breath to stop my heart from accelerating.

She looked so flawless that my eyes refused to look away. Her little actions, her small smile, and her frequent sneaky glances fill my stomach with butterflies. And her little cute habits are just the cherry on top.

"Right, Namjoon?"

Mom asked looking at me and all of their heads turned towards me making my smile vanish as soon as my eyes met with Y/N. I saw her cheeks turning pink and she diverted her gaze away from me. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment causing me to cough a little.

Dad laughed at my state and patted my back making me feel shy.

"I don't think he paid any attention to you, honey."

My face turned hot when Dad said it looking at Mom and she also giggled along with him. I felt like burying myself right now.

"Namjoon. Why don't you go and show Y/N the house?"

Mom asked causing me and Y/N to look at each other at the same time which made us have another eye contact. She immediately looked away and I looked at Mom who wiggled her eyebrows at me. I sighed knowing how Mom's mind worked and got up.


Y/N glanced at me when I stood up and Mom patted her shoulder.

"Go dear. Take a look around."

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