The Final Showdown continues

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(Continues off as Episode 21 begins. *S3, E5*)

'Title was originally going to be called: Final Showdown in the Grim! But, I changed it.'

Sonic was knocked out from after being hit by a Froggy missile. He was back to normal again, but the energy destabilization got a lot worse. It has spread through almost his entire torso, and his right shoulder.

"Get up, Sonic. Get up!" Rebel Rouge said.

Sonic woke up placing a hand at his chest, and saw the new bot of Big that Nine had conjured up.

"Oh, no. No, no no." Sonic said, terrified.

The Grim Big bot roared, and fired a bunch of Froggy missiles.

"Scatter!" Sonic said, running off.

(Timeskip *Everything goes normal until Sonic regroups with Shadow.*)

'I know, this seems lazy. But I want to get this done before Side Order is out.'

Sonic was about to get finished off by the Grim Sonic, but thankfully Shadow took it out.

"Shadow, you're alive!" Sonic smiled. "Help a brother up?"

"I gotcha." Shadow said, helping Sonic up.

"You okay?" Sonic asked.

"I survived." Shadow replied. "Nine's alphas deployed a massive army to keep me down here."

"Alphas? You mean the ones that can duplicate themselves?" Sonic said.

"Yes. If I still had that Chaos Emerald, I could've teleported out of here, but it's lost in the void." Shadow said. "And smashing hoards of Sonics isn't the worst thing in the world. Wait... How many more times have you used your dark powers?"

"I lost track, and the energy destabilization has gotten worse." Sonic replied, as the glow came back.

Shadow gasped in shock of Sonic's condition. The blue hedgehog put a hand to his chest in pain.

"Sonic... you can't risk using your dark powers anymore. If you use them too much, you'll die." Shadow said, worried.

"Not to worry. Rusty and the Chaos Council modified my regulators, so the energy destabilization is much slower." Sonic said, hoping Shadow would calm down.

"Oh. I guess that explains why it doesn't look as bad as I thought it would've been." Shadow shrugged, calming down.

Sonic shrugged as he and Shadow looked back up. Two more Grim Sonics looked down at them.

"Up for smashing a few more mes?" Sonic asked, as Shadow nodded.

Sonic and Shadow dashed up.

(Timeskip; *After the bots are defeated*)

"That's the last of them!" Sonic said, holding out his fist.

Shadow fistbumped with Sonic.

"These troopers are one thing, but the Alphas can generate an endless army." Shadow said. "They are the real threat."

"Got it." Sonic nodded. "But as well, Rebel's plan is working. The Scavengers are through to the Citadel. They're gonna cut Nine off from the prism."

"Which is in Nine's lab, guarded by the Alphas." Shadow said. "They'll never reach it."

"So, how do we destroy them?" Sonic asked.

"We don't." Shadow replied. "We're going after Nine."

"Wait!" Sonic said, gripping Shadow's wrist. "You said it yourself. If we don't go after the Alphas, we won't be able to stop Nine. And the only way we win this thing is if we work together. We need the others."

How Dark Sonic could've worked in Sonic Prime Season 3Where stories live. Discover now