Sanctuary in the Dome

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(Continues off as all of Sonic's distorted friends and allies of the resistance are in the Yoke/Mothership with the Chaos Council.)

Sonic, the council, and all of the allies of the resistance were inside the mothership.

"This is preposterous." Dr. Deep said, in anger. "Just having these things in our home is an affront to everything we hold dear."

"You know what? You keep talking, Doc, and my fist will be affront to your face." Renegade Knucks said, as he lightly punched his left cheek twice.

Dr. Babble babbled in anger.

"Enough. Stop." Sonic said, breaking their argument.

"They started it." Renegade Knucks said, amused.

"They started all of this." Rusty said.

"And we'll gladly finish it. You ungrateful-" Dr. Deep was cut off, from Sonic firing another blast.

He yelped in fear, looking to Sonic who had gone dark again, growling in frustration.

"What did I say, Deep?!" Sonic said, gritting his teeth.

"Oh, for the love of quiche, put a sock in it, Deep, and let the hedgehog speak." Dr. Done-It said.

"Thank you." Sonic said, reverting back to normal.

Sonic fell down on one knee, clutching his arm in pain. After a few seconds of waiting for the pain to die back down, Sonic stood up and spoke to the others.

"I made a deal with the Chaos Council." Sonic explained, which made everyone gasp in shock.

"You made a deal with these egg-o-maniacs?" Black Rose said.

"Nine is using the Paradox Prism to siphon energy into the Grim." Sonic responded, as Mangey wandered off. "He's created this protective dome to keep his world safe, which has accelerated the decay of the Shatterverse started by your portals."

Eggman smiled nervously, knowing it was some of his fault.

"And as well... when Nine betrayed me, just before he left Shadow and I to die in the remains of our home before it collapsed, he blasted me with negative prism energy. Which has somehow linked to my dark powers." Sonic explained.

"And any time Sonic uses his dark powers with the negative energy affecting him, the current adapted prism energy in his body will become unstable. Which worsens more with each use." Eggman said, finishing Sonic's explanation of his dark powers.

"Whoa. That's crazy." Renegade Knucks said, in shock about Sonic's dark powers.

"How did you end up with those dark powers anyway?" Rebel Rouge asked.

"Well, it's a long story." Sonic replied. "But the short version is, my body reacted to a bunch of copies of Chaos Emeralds back in my reality. At any time I get angry, it triggers my dark form. And I don't like using it whatsoever."

The resistance was a bit surprised with what Sonic had just explained about his dark form.

"It's true. And we're running out of time. We can't escape Nine anymore, not while he's got the prism. But if we use my energy and the Council's Shatter Drive, we can protect ourselves without doing any damage to the Shatterverse. At least until we can figure out how to stop him." Sonic said. "So the deal is, I charge their drive, and they give us sanctuary inside the dome."

"I wanna hear it from them." Rebel Rouge said.

"Ugh, the hedgehog speaks the truth." Eggman said. "Once the dome is up, all who wish will be allowed inside."

"Thank you." Sonic nodded.

The council looked over to their energy extractor, from the window to that room. They noticed Mangey messing around with the controls.

"Hey, what's he doing with the energy extractor?" Eggman said. "Stop him. Heel, you beast."

"Oh, hey, look. Efficiency just increased by 38%." Dr. Don't said, looking at his console pad.

"Oh." Eggman said, calming down.

"Rusty. Since we don't know how to stop the de-stabilization process of my prism energy, do you think you and the council can modify my regulators to slow it down?" Sonic asked.

"I'll see what I can do." Rusty replied.

"Great." Sonic began to take his regulators off his gloves and shoes.

"So, they're going to drain your energy?" Renegade Knucks asked, as Rebel Rouge slapped his shoulder.

"There has to be another way." Rebel Rouge said.

"I don't think there is. You've all seen it." Sonic said, handing his regulators to Rusty. "These worlds are falling apart. This dome is our only hope."

Rusty walked off to a workbench to modify Sonic's regulators.

"How much energy are we talking about?" Prim asked.

"Heh, nothing the hedgehog can't spare, I assure you." Dr. Done-It replied.

"Sonic, you realize that you cannot trust the council." Rusty said, beginning modifications to his tech.

"I know, but I don't have a choice. And neither do all of you." Sonic admitted. "Look, I know you don't trust each other, and you probably shouldn't. But right now, we all have bigger problems."

"Told you we couldn't trust that fox." Renegade Knucks said, to Rebel Rouge.

"As much as it pains me to admit it, Sonic's right." Rebel Rouge said, walking over to Sonic. "For once, everyone in New Yoke is on the same side. We're all just trying to survive. Once this is over, we'll go back to freeing the city."

"And protecting our forests." Thorn Rose said.

"And saving our seas." Black Rose said.

"And we'll go back to crushing you under our heel." Eggman said. "Uh, but only after we've saved New Yoke."

"Good." Sonic nodded.  "Alright. Time to power the dome."

Sonic walked over in the direction to the council's energy extractor.

(Timeskip *After the dome is fully powered in New Yoke*)

Mangey helped Sonic back to the others. He was tired, and the de-stabilization process was reverted back a little from his arm. Gnarly Knuckles and everyone else went to help him.

"Are you able to function?" Rusty asked, in concern.

"Who, me? Sure. Never better." Sonic replied, tiredly.

Rusty walked up to Sonic, and handed him back his newly modificated regulators.

"Here. I finished modifying your regulators." Rusty said, handing Sonic back his regulators.

"Thanks." Sonic took back his regulators, putting them back on his gloves and shoes.

The dome is powered and Nine is running out of time. Seems that everyone is safe. Well... most of them.

(End of Part 5)

(Publish date: 1/28/2024)

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