Dark with Rage (Remastered)

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(Remastering this since I feel like I need a good grammar fix up and everything.)

Nine was having doubts of trusting Sonic when he just wanted his old home and friends back.

"I know you think it seems like I don't care, Nine... And I'm sorry. I've been so focused on getting my old home back." Sonic said, in apology. "But I promise we can work this out. Trust me."

"I think I've trusted you long enough!" Nine said, infuriated.

"What?" Sonic felt his anxiety rising.

"I've realized now... that the only person I can trust... is myself!" Nine blasted the prism.

"No!" Sonic said, worried.

Another shockwave blasted in the mountain. Shadow saw this and got worried.

"Sonic, what is going on up there!" Shadow said, feeling both worried and angry.

Shadow dashed up, and made it just in time to see Nine was about to leave them behind, taking the prism shards for himself.

"Nine! Wait!" Sonic begged. "I've worked so hard to get where we are now! Just let me go home!"

"Go home?" Nine scoffed. "Sorry, Sonic. But I'm afraid you're never going home... ever... again!"

Nine blasted Sonic with some sort of energy blast, making the blue hedgehog fall to his knees while clutching his chest in pain. Sonic struggled to get up, and chase after Nine, but by the time he did... it was too late. Nine had left to the Grim. He was gone. The shards were gone. And any chance of Sonic and Shadow returning home... was taken away. Shadow felt his anger boiling, as he gritted his teeth and raised his fists. Sonic on the other hand... he fell to his knees in disbelief. Hoping this was just a horrible nightmare he couldn't wake up from.

"No..." Sonic sobbed, raising his hands over his closed crying eyes.

Shadow rushed over to where the prism originally was.

"There's nothing left... All of our hard work... is gone..." Shadow said, turning with a pissed off glare at Sonic. "I told you Nine couldn't be trusted! And you just let that traitorous fox get away with any chance of us going home!"

Sonic didn't say anything. He just continued to cry.

"You think it's all fun and games thinking those distorted versions of our friends are actually real. They're not! And I told you, Nine is not Tails, but you never listen to me! Everything is ruined! Our home and friends are gone! All because of YOU!" Shadow yelled. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, SONIC!!!"

Sonic felt his heart beating rapidly with sadness and exhaustion. He felt his head ache, listening back to his friends speak bad things in his head.

"Home doesn't exist anymore... because of YOU!" Shadow's words repeated.

"You're never going home!" Nine's words repeated in Sonic's head also.

"We told you that fox was not to be trusted!" Renegade Knux's voice was even heard.

"Our resistance is going to fall because of what you did!" Rebel Rouge's voice too.

Sonic felt himself hanging on an edge of his sanity. His friends were stuck in a loop because the prism is gone, and Nine got away with the very shards to restore his home.

"I can't believe you let a distorted version of me ruin our home!" Tails' voice yelled.

"Why did I fall in love with someone so careless!" Amy's voice followed.

"You must be more dumb than I am when Eggman tricks me!" Knuckles' voice too.

"You rushed in too fast, and everything you know and love is destroyed!" Rouge's voice followed quickly.

His friends' voices repeated other mean comments, overlapping until they could all be heard saying one last sentence... that made Sonic... mentally... snap.

"Everything we know and love is gone, Sonic! And it's all your fault!" Sonic's friends' voice all said at the same time.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Sonic screamed, unleashing a shockwave of prism energy.

Shadow was knocked back to the spot of where the prism would've been held. Eggman felt the blast from the mothership.

"What was that?" Eggman said, wondering what was going on from the mothership.

Shadow fell on his hands and knees, before looking back up at Sonic who had stood back up, with a frightened look on his face. Sonic's quills had gone black as ink with a dark blue aura. His quills shifted upward, floating and curling around the air. Claws cut through his gloves. His breathing was ragged, as if he was exhausted. And his teeth, they were sharper than anything he's seen on Sonic before. Sonic opened his eyes as they were solid white like the stars in the sky. He let out another mad scream before looking down at Shadow. Sonic rushed to punch the black and red hedgehog, but Shadow dodged it, looking up at him in a scared way.

"You just love to talk about how small of a man I must be, don't you, Shadow?!" Dark Sonic said, in a gravelly tone. "You think I don't know this is my fault again? That I messed things up? You don't think how every second of my life, since I broke the Paradox Prism, has been filled with my failures?!"

"Sonic, what the hell is happening to you?!" Shadow was terrified.

Sonic raised his fist to attempt to punch him again, but Shadow dodged it.

"What's the matter, Shadow? Too afraid to face me like a man?!" Sonic said, gravely.

Shadow was about to say something about how Sonic ended up like this, but he fainted and his dark form faded away. The blue hedgehog fell to the ground, in exhaustion. Did Sonic pass out from his anger and exhaustion with using his dark powers somehow? Or was it from what Nine had blasted him with?

"Sonic!" Shadow said worried, as he rushed over to the blue hedgehog.

Shadow kneeled down to Sonic and tried shaking him awake.

"Sonic! Sonic, wake up!" Shadow said, trying to wake Sonic up.

It was then that the ground began to shake. Sonic woke up, feeling weak.

"W-What's happening?" Sonic said, weakly.

Shadow looked outside the mountain to see their world was starting to collapse. Cracks filled the sky, the palm trees were being pulled from the ground, and crystals stones were levitating up as well. Sonic slowly got back up on his feet, as Shadow rushed back to him.

"The mountain is decaying, and it's going to take us with it." Shadow said, worried. "We have to run!"

"No need to tell me twice!" Sonic rushed out, as fast as he could.

The two hedgehogs rushed out of the mountain as fast they could, but Sonic was more exhausted after all the trouble he went through, so he struggled to keep up.

'First episode of the final season was released early. So, the story has been renamed. Everything else that happens when Sonic and Shadow escape Ghost Hill before it's destroyed all just goes by normally.'

(End of Part 1)

(Publish date: 1/5/2024)

'Hello, everybody! I'm back! Sorry I spent so long away from writing in December last year. I just felt like I needed a break from all the pressure. Of getting a chapter out before a certain time that is. But as well, with the final season releasing, I am gonna get back into writing. The next part will be out soon. Called: Shattering Apart! See you guys next time.'

How Dark Sonic could've worked in Sonic Prime Season 3Where stories live. Discover now