Sonic gives himself up

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(Starts off when Sonic returns to New Yoke with the rest of Dread's crew.)

Sonic and the others walked through in the Citadel of New Yoke. Sonic reverted back to normal, but he fell to his knees in pain. The negative energy reached through the top half of his torso after covering up his arm again.

"Ugh... At least it didn't spread too much." Sonic said, standing up weakly.

Rebel Rouge walked over to Sonic, both confused and angry at what happened.

"What are you, buddies now?" Rebel Rouge said, a bit irritated.

"What do you want me to say? They helped us." Sonic said.

"We did more than help." Dr. Deep said. "If it weren't for us, you'd be six fathoms under by now."

"Do not forget who piloted the getaway vehicle." Rusty said.

"You mean the one you almost sunk?" Dr. Done-It said.

"Awful quick to brag about a bad idea, ain't ya?" Renegade Knucks said.

"Easy for you to say, coward." Dr. Deep said.

"Come say that to my face, egghead." Renegade Knucks said.

Knucks snarled and Deep chuckled.

"Guys, please." Sonic said, breaking the fight up. "This was a win for all of us."

"Was it?" Eggman said. "Your little friends are safe, but at what cost? The fox can conjure up more minions with the snap of his fingers."

"Says the guy who build Eggforcers by the dozens." Rebel Rouge said, under her breath to Knucks.

"Where as our fleet is damaged, our troops are spent, and we're almost out of time!" Eggman said. "Should have let them go down with their ship and their world."

Sonic snarled, itching to go dark again. But he calmed down since he didn't want to worsen his body's current state any further.

"As much as I would want to threaten you with my dark powers right now, I don't want to further the negative energy destabilizing my body. I'm sorry, but losing anyone is not an option." Sonic said, walking away.

Sonic looked outside. Two of the buildings collapsed outside.

"Nine is the only one who can stop this. And my energy destabilization." Sonic said. "The only way he'll do that is if I give myself up."

Everyone gasped in shock, from what Sonic said.

"How about instead of letting Blue take the fall, we take the fight to Nine?" Renegade Knucks suggested.

Everyone else agreed.

"I'll say this much. In the Fox's position, we'd double cross you without a second thought." Dr. Deep said.

"Nine isn't like you." Sonic said.

"There are only two kinds of folks in this world, those who've got power, and those who want it." Dr. Done-It said. "Face it. Your fox has changed."

"First, the shards, then Shadow, now this." Sonic said, a bit depressed. "I gotta admit, this whole losing thing is not my cup of chili. How do you do it?"

"Ha. We never lose." Dr. Done-It replied.

"We learn from our setbacks." Dr. Deep said.

"We make tweaks." Dr. Don't said.

Dr Babble babbled a little.

"Then take the next step towards our inevitable victory." Eggman said.

"Real inspirational stuff coming from the likes of them." Renegade Knucks said.

How Dark Sonic could've worked in Sonic Prime Season 3Where stories live. Discover now