Saving Dread's crew

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(Continues as Sonic dashes in to break Renegade Knucks and Dr. Done-It's argument.)

Sonic flew in fast with his dark powers. Thanks to having his regulators modified, the negative destabilization process is going by much slower.

"Break. It. Up!" Sonic snarled. "Or I'll tear you both to shreds!"

Knucks and Done-It got scared and backed off.

"Thank you." Sonic said, turning back to normal. "This way, folks. Despite what it looks like, you're safe here."

The last of the denizens entered the Chaos Council's citadel. Sonic realized there were a few people mission.

"Wait a minute. Black Rose, where's the rest of your crew?" Sonic asked, a bit worried. "Batten? Sails? Catfish?"

Black Rose realized. She didn't think if the rest of her crew was here.

"Figured they were somewhere in this cursed place." Black Rose said. "Has no one seen them? Dread?"

Dread shrugged, unsure of where his crew was.

"They're still in No Place." Sonic said, in realization.

"Not for long. That place is shattering at the seams." Dr. Don't said, pulling up a monitor view of what remains of No Place. "If you're friends are there, it's game over."

"I have to save them." Sonic said, determined to save them.

"There's no time." Eggman said.

"I'm not leaving anyone behind. I can't." Sonic said.

"You have no choice." Eggman said, getting pushed away by Done-It.

"We all know what'll happen if the fox gets his paws on you." Dr. Done-It said. "And I'll be double dog darned if I sit back and twiddle my thumbs doing while you give away the store."

"Samesies." Dr. Don't said.

"Agreed." Eggman said, pushing away Done it. "And let the record show that this has nothing to do with our concern for your wellbeing."

"Noted." Sonic shrugged. "But, we need all the help we can get to stop Nine. I'm going to No Place to save the rest of Dread's crew no matter what you try to tell me."

Sonic dashed off, but Rebel Rouge stopped him.

"Sonic, I hate to admit it, but they've got a point, it's too dangerous. You can't risk yourself." Rebel Rouge said.

"I'm sorry, Rebel, but I can't risk the lives of my friends." Sonic said.

"You're risking them either way." Rebel Rouge said.

"You can't let Nine get a hold of you, Blue." Renegade Knucks said.

"I don't care!" Sonic snarled, slightly triggering his dark powers before calming back down. "Sorry. Lost my cool there. But I'd do the same for any of you."

Rebel and Knucks' anger lowered.

"Besides, the destabilization process is much slower now, so I can use my dark powers more." Sonic continued. "If Nine sends in more Grim Birdies, I'll just turn them to scrap metal in an instant. I'll be back."

(Timeskip *To when Sonic and the others head for No Place*)

Four more Grim Birdies came in. One of them approached the Kracken and blasted them. Sonic, Rusty, and Black Rose noticed them.

"We got bogeys inbound!" Sonic said, going dark and attempted to blast them.

One of them attempted to damage the left thruster. Thankfully Thorn and Birdie flew in, to take it out. Rusty ran to the defenses to blast it out. Sonic kept using his dark powers.

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