Chapter 1

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Penny yawned as she shifted her weight in bed, slowly opening her eyes as she reached to check the time on her phone. It was 5:20 am and she had to pee. Dammit baby, I thought this wasn't supposed to happen until later on. She cursed, grabbing her robe and slipping out of the bedroom.

It had been 2 weeks since she had sat in this same bathroom taking a pregnancy test she was convinced she didn't need. It was exactly the first time she had taken one of these tests and she knew the drill. Quick two minute baby panic then negative result and on with the rest of her day. However this time there was no baby panic and not once did she pray it was negative.

She crept back into bed, taking off her robe and sliding under the sheets being careful not to wake Leonard. He rolled over in his sleep to face her, placing his hand instinctively on her stomach. He was pretty much glued to her this past week, hand on her stomach any moment he could. She thought back to a few nights ago when she and Leonard had received on PDA after Sheldon noticed Leonard's hand under her shirt while they ate dinner. It was sweet really, him wanting to be so close, but now she kept having to remind him when their friends were over to not make it so obvious as they definitely weren't ready to tell people.

Penny wriggled closer to her husband, burying herself beneath the blankets. She enjoyed the feeling of the three of them being so close in their cocoon. She felt Leonard's grip tighten on her slightly as he stretched and yawned.

"What time is it?" Leonard mumbled, scooting closer to Penny so her back was against him.

"Half past 5, go back to sleep." She whispered.

Leonard groaned in response, burying his face in the back of her shoulder.

"Hey I had to pee and anyway you were the one up late talking to my stomach!"

"I know." He exhaled with a smile. "Had to fill the Peanut in on the new Star Wars trailer."

Penny giggled and grabbed his hand, bringing it to her mouth to kiss. "Go to sleep."

"Mmm okay." He yawned, lacing their fingers together over her stomach.

It was hard for her to think she hadn't wanted this, she would have never seen this whole other side of her husband come out. He had always been so gentle and caring, but now it was different. The past 2 weeks he had been there for the random moments of nausea, armed with ginger tea and biscuits. He held her hair back every time she dry heaved into the toilet after smelling Chinese food or vomiting after eating pickles. His world had shifted in the best way and this baby had meant a permanent grin on both their faces.

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