Chapter 87

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Friday June 26, 2020, 8:30 AM

Leonard slowly opened his eyes and became disoriented. He was staring at a block wall. Where am I. He thought. He then, the events of the previous 24 hours came rushing back to him and he sat up and looked over at Penny's bed. Penny had the back of the bed up, sitting up talking to Althea. Leonard stretched, got out of the bed, and walked over towards Penny. As he got to Penny's bed, he turned to Althea.

"How are you doing?" Leonard said.

"I'm doing well, but then I've had a full night's sleep." Althea said.

Leonard looked down at the floor, embarrassed.

He finally looked up and said. "I hear we owe you a big thanks, for saving Penny."

"Just doing my job." Althea said. Before Leonard could say anything Althea continued. "Penny has already thanked me, you don't need to say anything."

"But, I..."

"You don't need to say anything." Althea said, in a stern voice.

Leonard stopped and nodded.

"Now, you will have to excuse me." Althea said. "I've got some paperwork to do and this will give you some 'alone' time."

Althea smiled then turned and left and Leonard walked over to Penny.

"It must be nice to sleep in." Penny said with a smile. "I'm doing better, I'm not groggy, and I'm not bleeding as much, now."

"I see you ate breakfast." Leonard said pointing to the tray on her bed table.

"Yeah, I talked to Althea after I woke up." Penny said. "She asked me how I was doing and I thanked her and after we talked for a bit, she got me breakfast, there's a tray for you too. After I ate, I said I was ready to feed the babies, but she wants to wait until I talk to Dr. Samuels. She said our daughters have been cleared to be in the room with us, as long as we promise that you will feed them until I talk to the doctor. Is that all right with you?"

Leonard could feel the guilt of not being there when Penny's blood pressure crashed, but she would be here with the babies so he said. "Of course, it's all right with me. I loved it last night when I fed them."

Penny smiled at him.

Leonard said. "So, did Althea explain what happened?"

"Not specifically." Penny said. "She did tell me I had some kind of emergency, she had to get me blood, and they had to take me back to surgery."

"Yeah, it appears your blood pressure dropped really low, to the point where you passed out." Leonard said. "Althea noticed it dropping before you passed out and with all the bleeding you did, she figured you had a large blood loss and ordered a blood transfusion. You passed out before it got here, so when it arrived, she got it started while Dr. Samuels was on the way back to the hospital. While they were putting blood in you, they were also prepping you for surgery. Dr. Samuels went in and cut out some spots where pieces of the placenta had stayed attached to the uterus."

"Yeah, I don't remember much from last night." Penny said. "You were obviously here."

"Yes, I signed all the paperwork while they were getting you prepared, so they could do the surgery." Leonard said. He started tearing up but managed to turn and hide it from Penny then said. "I called Howard before doing all the paperwork. By the time I got it done and got to the waiting room for the surgery, the whole gang was there already."

"What?" Penny said in surprise.

"Yeah, it surprised me too." Leonard said. "And, even after you were done, they wouldn't leave until I talked to you and let them know how you were doing. We've got good friends Penny."

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