Chapter 88

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Friday June 26, 2020, 5:15 PM

As Amy came into the room, she handed Leonard a bag. Penny gives Leonard a look that indicated, to him at least, that she would be asking about it later.  Upon seeing her look, he simply nodded. But, for now, Penny was smiling at Amy's excitement at seeing the babies.

She wanted to hold them, but Penny told her they had just been fed and put down and that she could hold them when they fed them again, around 7:30 PM. Amy looked sad but was happy with the thought of holding them later and helping to feed them. She asked Penny how she was feeling and when would she be coming home? How are the babies doing? She didn't give Penny a chance to say anything until Penny stopped her.

While Penny answered the questions, Leonard said he'd be right back and walked out of the room, then selected a number on his phone and waited until he heard. "Hello."

"Hi, Louie, this is Leonard." Leonard said.

"Leonard, I've been worried." Louie said. "I hadn't heard back from you and was wondering what was going on."

"Penny had to go in for emergency surgery." Leonard said. "She retained a few pieces of the placenta and was bleeding heavily. Her blood pressure crashed and she passed out. I was so worried, calling you put it out of my mind. I'm sorry."

"No, no, don't worry about it." Louie said. "I can see why you weren't calling, you had more important things to worry about. How is she doing? How are the babies?"

"She's recovering, but she's confined to a bed." Leonard said. "I hope she will be coming home on Sunday, which is what I wanted to tell you, but we don't know yet, or even what she'll be able to do or not do."

"How are the babies?" Louie asked.

"They are doing very well." Leonard said. "They have strong appetites and get hungry every two hours. They spent some time in special care, but the doctor said they could go home, but she kept them here since Penny was still in the hospital."

"Do you want me there on Saturday?" Louie asked.

"I don't know." Leonard said. "If she is coming home on Sunday, I definitely want you there. I'd feel safer with you there when we get home. I know it's a weekend, so you'll get weekend pay, of course."

"While I thank you, I'm not worried about it." Louie said. "When will you know when she is coming home?"

Leonard said. "At this point, I don't know when she will get out or even what she will be allowed to do. Whatever day she gets out, I'd assume we would know the day before, but I don't suppose she'll get out before the doctor comes in to see her. So, how about I give you a call tomorrow, to give you an update?"

"Okay, that sounds good." Louie said. "I do want to say congratulations, I can't wait to see them. I'll talk to you tomorrow then."

"Thanks, Louie, goodbye." Leonard said.

"Goodbye, Leonard." Louie said.

Leonard disconnected and headed back into the room.

Penny was telling Amy about the twins, their height and weight, how they had a mole so they could be told apart, and their eating habits. Amy had a few more questions for Penny, though she mentioned they were questions from Bernadette. Penny said since she would still be staying in the hospital, Bernadette could come in and ask her own questions tomorrow. This upset Amy a bit, as the next day was a Saturday and Bernadette would be off and could be here during all the visiting hours.

Penny explained that even if she could, she and Leonard still weren't getting a lot of sleep and would need to take a nap or two, so they would prefer Bernadette not come until around five, as Amy did. The mollified Amy and she asked a few more questions from others in the group, and Penny asked Amy a few questions on how everyone was doing.

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