My Responsibility (J.O)

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Jenna Ortega

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This one is a bit lengthy and took me forever so I really hope you like it😜

Enjoy my true believers, Excelsior!


It was a cold night in New York, the rain poured down quite hard this night, most people would be at home already but others who have made not so good choices in life they're-


A car suddenly came drifting around the corner of a building, its tires screech against the road as it makes the sharp turn. The people inside the car all wore Ski masks, in the backseat next to one of the assailants sat two duffel bags that were opened revealing it was full of cash.

"Did we lose him!?" The Gang member sat in the backsest shouted to his masked friends in the front. "Shut up and keep your eyes on the sky!' The driver shouted while making another sharp turn. He kept driving until they heard something land on top of the car.

"He's here!" The man in the back shouted before the roof of the car was suddenly ripped off revealing a person dressed in a black skin tight suit. "It's Spider-Man!" The thug driving the roofless car shouted in fear.

"Hey Fellas!" Spider-Man greeted in a confident tone while crouched on top of the car

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"Hey Fellas!" Spider-Man greeted in a confident tone while crouched on top of the car. "You guys do realize you're going 60 in a 35 area? If I were a cop you'd be getting a ticket! But since I'm Spider-Man you'll have to make due with me kicking your ass instead." He quipped just before one of the thugs aimed their gun at his head. "Eat this Web-Freak!"

The gun went off and the bullet flew at Spider-Man but a tendril shot out of his shoulder at the bullet and caught it. "That's rude." He joked before shooting a tendril at the thug and tossed him out of the car. "Look at him! He's flying!" He shouted before turning and shooting a large glop of web at him, sticking him to a nearby building.

Spider-Man then turned and front flipped towards the hood of the car and shot out tendrils from his hands into the windshield of the car, shattering the glass and pinning the thugs in the front to the seat while also using the tendrils to protect them from the glass.

Pulling his tendrils back Spider-Man then shot multiple web lines at multiple nearby buildings while pushing down on the hood with his feet to slow down the car. The car slowed down a bit before screeching to a halt.

Spider-Man crouched down on the hood of the car and looked at the stuck thugs inside. "You know I honestly doubt you have an actual Driver's license. I mean you see how crappy those turns were back there? Yikes, if I were a criminal I would not hire you as my getaway driver. Well actually you'll be going to prison after this so guess nobody could hire you as a getaway driver. Not like they would anyway." He quipped before hearing the distant sounds of police sirens.

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