To Be Knighted (J.O)

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Jenna Ortega

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So I've recently been getting back into a lot of fantasy media and randomly had this idea for a chapter of Jenna being of royalty and knighting the reader and so here it is.


1016 A.D

The chirping of birds filled the forest, as well as other sounds of nature. The soft blowing of wind makes the branches on the trees shake, causing the sounds of leaves to be heard. In the distance was a castle, one that stood tall and strong since the overtaking of the Romans by English forces long ago.

Walking up a hill along a path revealed two figures, one was a male while the other was female. "My lady why are we so far away from the castle? I believe it to be an unwise idea to travel far from the confines of the castle." The male spoke to the woman just ahead of him. The young male stood on a rock, he was dressed in cloth clothes that loosely fit his body, upon his hip sat a steel sword hidden away in a leather scabbard.

 The young male stood on a rock, he was dressed in cloth clothes that loosely fit his body, upon his hip sat a steel sword hidden away in a leather scabbard

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"Fret not Y/n, we aren't going to go much further." The female turned to face the male behind her. "Though I must confess traveling these paths does take me back to when we were children." Jenna said as Y/n approached her. "Ah yes the days of when I was little more than a theif." He said with a smile making the girl of royal blood smile. "And I the rebellious daughter of a king, quite the odd pairing." Jenna responded with a passionate smile across her lips.

She then faced the direction of which they came, staring at the castle in the distance as the wind blew the bangs of her hair to the side. "Do you recall the day we stumbled upon the clearing with the bluebells?" Jenna asked her guard who nodded to her question. "I do, I recall having to fend off a small pack of feral wolves. Even though I was only a boy I still felt the need to protect you."

This answer got a giggle out of Jenna, who then moved to fix the cloak she wore. Adjusting it to wrap more around her body. "A memory I think of often. You're strength and courage have always been a pillar for me, I don't believe I could put into words how much our relationship has enriched my life." Jenna spoke with clear passion and confidence to the words she spoke about him.

Jenna then turned to face Y/n before reaching out her hand to gently caress his cheek against her palm. "You truly are a remarkable person." Jenna spoke in almost a whisper as she gazed deeply into the young man's eyes. "Today is special." Said Jenna making Y/n raise his brows. "It is?" Jenna nodded to his words. "How so?" Y/n further questioned with clear curiosity to his tone.

Jenna's smile seemed to only widen before she pulled her hand away from his face. "I wish to knight you." This statement made Y/n's eyes widened with shock making Jenna continue. "All those summers ago you saved me from those scoundrels in the village, since then you've always been at my side. Even joining the kings army at my request." Jenna spoke while continuing to lead Y/n further along the path in the words slowly making their way towards a clearing in the forest as she continued.

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