Costume Convenience(J.O 18+)

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Jenna Ortega


Got this idea from a certain Interview Jenna did for Netflix I believe. If you're curious it's the one where she's rating the outfits she wore on Wednesday


This is pretty much a sequel to "Freeuse Friend"


"Cut!" The director Tim Burton called out to the cast who were all dressed in their outfits for the Poe Cup scene for the Wednesday series on Netflix. Jenna who was in her tight cat costume let out a frustrated sigh, filming this scene in a boat wasn't the most comfortable in this suit.

"Yo." She heard a male voice of her castmate and fuck buddy Y/n. He was dressed in his own tight cat costume that hugged his muscular build very nicely. Jenna instantly smiled at the sight of her cast mate and roommate

"Y/n~" she said his name with a bit of a flirtatious tone making him smile a bit while looking at her. "I wasn't expecting to get such a passionate greeting." He smirked a bit while taking a step closer to her making her look up at him in his eyes, her stare laced with infatuation.

Jenna then got a devious thought. "So I was thinking." She said while swaying a bit while staring at him. "Yeah?" He responded making her smile as she stepped closer to him while setting a hand on his chest and standing on the tip of her toes to whisper into his ear. "There's a conveniently placed hole in my suit and I thought we could use it while on break~."

Y/n listened then backed away to look at her before he looked to the side while chewing on the gums in his cheeks as if debating. "I don't know Jenna, it seems risky." This made Jenna frown as she was honestly needing him in this moment of frustration.

"I'm just fuckin' with you Jen, like I could say no to you." He said with a smirk making Jenna roll her playfully roll her eyes and slap his chest. "Don't do that to me." He chuckled a bit at the neediness within her tone while holding his arms out. "Who would've thought Jenna Ortega herself needs little ol' me."

Jenna once again rolled her eyes while walking past him and grabbed his hand and started leading him towards the direction of everyone's trailers.

When the two got up to Jenna's trailer she opened the door and stepped inside waiting for Y/n who came in behind her, when he entered and closed the door behind him she instantly pounced on him smashing her lips against his while wrapping her arms around his neck.

Y/n kissed back while setting his hands on Jenna's hips, their lips stayed together in a lustful embrace until they needed air, when they broke apart Jenna let out a lustful breath while looking into Y/n's eyes as her hands went to his arms before they moved up with her palms sliding up his bicep and reaching his shoulders.

She then slowly moved her palms along his neck then down his chest while letting out an excited giggle. "You fill out that suit nicely." She commented while feeling the cloth material with occasional leather patching and stitching.

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Y/n responded in a flirtatious tone while staring into Jenna's eyes before taking his right hand and grabbed hold of Jenna's chin with his thumb and index finger before leaning down to peck her on the lips. "Now lemme get a good look at you~."

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