Violent Confessions (T.C)

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Tara Carpenter

Requested by KabutoRaija


Happy Thanksgiving🦃

The surrounding area was silent, dead silent. The only sounds that could be heard were the wind softly blowing and the distant sounds of a generator. Suddenly, a man runs through a doorway, he's slightly limping as he holds his arm that's bleeding profusely.

The man let out pained whimpers as moved through the buuilding while listening to the soft sounds of his blood dripping on the ground leaving a trail behind him. He then crouched down behind one of the aisles rested in the abandoned gas station he found himself in.

The man would take occasional glances at the doorway he ran through scared that the person who hurt him would soon follow after him, while he did this he began to tend to the cut on his arm ripping off a piece of his jacket to wrap the bleeding wound.

The man kept watching as he heard the constant thump of his heartbeat as he was terrified, his body was tight as his sense of danger was at an all time high, his flight or fight response constantly shouting at him different answers every second he sat here.

Run! No remain hidden they could still be out there! We need to fight back! No we have no chance! God are we gonna die!? These are the thoughts of the victims you so proudly watch get gutted for your own sick sense of entertainment.

The man kept crouching until he heard the sudden sound of rocks crunching behind him and a soft breath making the hair on the back of his neck stand straight up like a cornered cat.

He quickly turned towards the noise only to be met with the ghoulish mask of his previous attacker.

The killer gave a bit of a wave while holding up his hunting blade as if showing it off to the man

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The killer gave a bit of a wave while holding up his hunting blade as if showing it off to the man. The man let out a scream as he fell back just barely missing a slash from the killer's sharp blade. The man let out a grunt before he scrambled to his feet and took off running back towards the doorway he previously came from which led to a garage.

The man looked for a possible exit but saw nothing, with no chance of possible escape he ran around the truck that sat in the middle of the garage and waited for the killer to walk through the doorway.

The man watched the doorway while nervously swallowing some spit as he heard the sound of the blade being scraped along the wall. The sound got closer and louder as the killer approached, they then came into view of the doorway.

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