Sharing A Tent (J.O)

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Jenna Ortega

So I'm having bad writers block for both my BladeRunner story and my Zombie Apocalypse story, both have about 1,500 words already written and will both most likely be long... Sorry🫤

In the meanwhile I figured i'd write some other stories that I've thought of while I think about what I'm gonna do with those stories


I hate camping... I never really was a fan of these trips out into the woods, sure it's cool to be outdoors and among nature, but I could do without the damn mosquitos and the whole no cell reception. I could be murdered out here by my friends and nobody would know.

Even though I wasn't much of a fan of being way out here I'm glad that it's with my friends, my small group of friends and I graduated high school not too long ago and decided to do one last camping trip before the summer ends and we all head off into our adult lives.

Some of us were going to college, others to just get a job and work for a while, either way we all wouldn't see each other for a long while.

Since this was the last time I'd probably see my friends I thought I should push aside my cons towards these trips, and focus on the pros of it, like the sounds of nature. In the city it's always noisy with different things, traffic, sirens of emergency vehicles in the distance, but out here; it's decently quiet, with the only sounds being that of nature.

Like the soft pattering of rain hitting the top of my tent, accompanied by the smell of the rain itself. It was all calming and I enjoyed it.

(I suggest listening to this while you read but you do you)

Suddenly, the zipper to my tent was pulled letting off that whirring sound of the teeth of the zipper coming apart.

I sat up on my elbows and looked down only to see a brown tuff of hair peeking into my tent, it took me a second to recognize who it was, "Jenna?" I asked and she waved. "Hey, is it okay if I come in your tent?" She asked.

I could feel my cheeks burn a bit red as I nod. "S-Sure." Jenna smiled at my answer and moved into the tent before turning to close it. I've had a crush on Jenna for a long time now, but kept quiet about it as I'm honestly too afraid to tell her how I feel.

I'm not the most charismatic of guys, quite the opposite actually. I lack confidence in my ability to talk to people, so I mostly just keep quiet. I'm not really sure how I was a part of this group.

One of my friends Maverick is determined in trying to convince me to make a move on Jenna, but I always refuse when he brings it up, a lot of the time he's always putting me in a situation where Jenna and I will be alone with one another, making some type of excuse or simply orchestrating things to make it that way.

I'm thankful don't get me wrong, but I just can't get myself to make any sort of move, "Sorry to just barge in like this, someone messed with the rain tarp on my tent and now it's water locked, and I'm freezing." Jenna explained and I slowly nodded. "Okay."

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