Y/n & The Apparition Pt.2 (W.A)

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Wednesday Addams

Voted for in "Sequel Vote 2"

This is a Sequel to Y/n & The Apparition



The halls of the male Nevermore dorm were silent, the silence was occasionally broken by the sounds of the old wood to the buildings letting off creaks as the wood settled.

Suddenly a voice cut through the silence. "That's enough Maverick." Y/n said while pacing back and forth across his dorm room, he lived in the dorm room alone as Weems thought it would be better if nobody knew about his situation.

It was silent for a bit before Y/n faced the desk in front of the large window and spoke to the air as nobody was there "this is not up for debate." He said before turning and walking across the room in front of the desk while fixing the tie to his suit.

When he passed the desk Maverick suddenly appeared leaning against it. "This is a fuckin' stupid idea and you know it, we shouldn't be wasting our time chasing after Wednesday Addams to the Rave'N. I'm not sure how many times I have to tell you that she's playing you." Maverick ranted while watching Y/n ignore him and move back and forth around the room getting ready for the dance, his hair was slicked back and he wore a very elegant black suit with a grey cobweb design. The shirt was unbuttoned near the top revealing his chain necklaces underneath.

"I would say it's impressive how she's able to keep: you, Tyler and Xavier wrapped around her finger like three dogs fighting for her attention had it not been so pathetic to watch, I honestly pity you L/n; chasing after a girl who doesn't want you instead of finding the cure to our predicament.". Maverick insulted while putting a cigarette between his lips.

"Just shut up!" Y/n said in a tone of frustration while looking at Maverick in the reflection of the mirror as he adjusted his tie. "All you do is bitch and nag about my choices without providing any sort of help?" Maverick scoffed while bringing up his index finger to the end of his cigarette and creating a small flame on the tip of it to light it.

"Help?" Maverick stood up from leaning on the desk and started walking towards Y/n and got up in his face, his piercing flame colored eyes staring into Y/n's own E/c colored orbs. "Who's the one who saved your sorry ass and Wednesdays back at the fair? Who's the one who's putting aside my death to help your ungrateful ass? while you chase after a chick who gives zero fucks about you. " Maverick looked into Y/n eyes as he glared back at him.

"Don't be angry with my choice to chase after a girl cause you fucked up your chance with Morticia that you will never get back because you're fuckin' dead!." Y/n shouted with venom to his tone without noticing his eye color changed to a bright flaming orange until he turned to the mirror and saw his eyes causing his glare to soften.

Y/n let out a breath as he stepped away from the mirror while furrowing his brows with a fearful expression as this wasn't how he usually acts. "This is exactly my point Y/n, times running out. Day by day you're becoming me more and more, the change is currently indefinite, we won't know if the next time we switch will be the last."

Y/n looked at Maverick before he suddenly started to violently cough, he was coughing so much that he stumbled a bit and had to lean against the wall for support. When he was done he pulled his hand away from his mouth to reveal his palm was covered in blood. "I don't have much time left..." Y/n spoke with fear.

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