Astraphobia (J.O)

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Jenna Ortega

Not Requested


Astraphobia:An intense fear of thunder and lightning.

The bedroom was silent, the only sound that filled the room was the soft blowing of the AC through the grate above a monitor.

"Shut up." A voice spoke out with a slight laugh, this was Y/n L/n, he was currently on a call with his friends while he was busy working on editing a video.

"I'm being serious man you need to grow a fuckin' pair and just ask her out." The voice of Maverick Blackwell spoke into Y/n's ears through his headset.

"I'm not even sure if sh-" Y/n started only to be interrupted by his friend. "Oh don't gimme that bull Ivan has already said over and over again that Sadie told him that you're all she talks about when we're not around, tell him Ivan." Mav said

"Yeah it's true." Ivan agreed making Y/n sigh. "You too Ivan?" Y/n heard Ivan let out a bit of a laugh. "Yeah man even I the patient one am getting tired of you two dancing around it."

Mav then cut in. "See! Even Ivan thinks you guys have been avoiding it for so long and it took this dude almost half a year to confess to Sadie."

"What are you even talking about?" Y/n asked.

"Don't play dumb, you and Jenna have liked each other for over a year and a half and still neither of you have even attempted to make it official. I mean she's at your house almost every weekend!"

Ivan then spoke up. "Or when there's a thunderstorm." Ivan said in a teasing tone.

"Don't get Mav star-." Y/n said with a sigh knowing what Ivan was doing but he was interrupted.

"I'm telling you it's an act!" Mav said in a raised tone. "There is no actual damn way she's terrified of Thunderstorms as a grown ass woman! It's just an excuse to be at your house!"

Y/n rolled his eyes with a smile. "Why would she fake being scared of Thunderstorms just to be around me?"

What any of the boys didn't realize is that there was currently a thunderstorm outside brewing and getting louder.

"Because chicks are weird like that!" Mav then took a breath before he continued. "Look I know I can say some outlandish things, but trust me when I say I know some things are for damn certain the truth."

Y/n smiled deciding to hear Mav out. "Like?"

"One that Sadie is a Red Haired Demoness planning a ginger revolution to conquer the planet!" Mav started only getting a sigh from Ivan since he did not want to even go down that path.

"And two! That Jenna Marie Ortega is not afraid of thunderstorms! Mav said sounding very certain of himself.

"That doesn't even make sense." Y/n defended.

"That's cause you're thinking about it like a dude, with chicks they feel like they need a covert excuse to hang out with you, chicks will do anything to hang out with their crushes without making it obvious they choose to be around you, like they had no choice and it just happens naturally." Mav explained.

"How would you know this?" Y/n asked.

"Because Emma did the same thing! She saw me working and we spoke, then afterwards she would tell me that where she worked they'd always get off extremely late and we'd be the only place that would be open late at night." Maverick began.

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