Happiest Time Of Year (J.O)

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Jenna Ortega

Holiday Chapter

This takes place within the same world as "Late Night Antics" and "Early Morning Antics." Think of it as a part 3 to those.

🎁🎄Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays🎄🎁


I was deep in peaceful sleep until I felt a sudden gentle pressure upon my face, specifically on my cheek. After a second it went away and next I felt it on my other cheek, then my forehead, then on my chin before finally on my lips.

My eyes slowly opened to a large red blur, it took a second for my eyes to adjust and I was met with the sight of Jenna dressed in a Mrs. Claus outfit, one that left a good amount of her skin exposed. "Merry Christmas." She whispered to me while running her gloved palms along my cheeks.

"What's this?" I asked with a bit of a yawn while looking up at her as she laid more on top of me. "Well since this is our first Christmas alone together I thought I'd make it special, so I got this very, very special outfit, just for you~." She answered while leaning down and rubbing the tip of her nose against mine before she leaned in and gave me another kiss on the lips.

"I guess it really is the happiest time of year.~" I whispered while kissing back as my hands ran up her hips, feeling up the curve of her hips before resting my hands on her lower back. "What about your family?" I asked since Jenna has previously said that she'd be leaving to visit her family for Christmas, like she did every other year.

She let out a bit of a huff. "I was gonna do that but due to last night's snow storm all flights got cancelled, I was saving this outfit for when I got home after, buuut seeing as my flight was cancelled I thought I'd improvise and put this on and spend Christmas with my beloved boyfriend."

I chuckled and began to softly rub my hand up and down her hip, feeling the cloth material of the outfit she wore. "Well your beloved boyfriend is incredibly thankful." Jenna giggled with a large smile across her lips, she then took a moment to just stare into my eyes. I made eye contact with her with a smile of my own.

Jenna then let out a breath before she brought her hand forward and ran the tip of her index finger along the bridge of my nose. "Stay right here in bed, I'll be right back with your gifts." I smiled a bit with a nod and watched as she got up and left the room, but not without a sway in her hips making me chuckle as she disappeared through the doorway to the bedroom out into the hallway... Man she looks good in that.

I shook my head, forcing me out of my distracted state, I then quickly got up to move over to the nearby wardrobe as I hid the gifts I got her in there.

I opened the drawer that I kept my underwear and socks in then pushed aside my boxer briefs to reveal two boxes right next to one another, one was small and wrapped in reindeer wrapping paper.

The other was decently sized and wrapped in blue wrapping paper with snowflake pattern. While holding both of the boxes in my hands I moved back into the bedroom quickly making my way back to the bed and hid them underneath it before climbing beneath the covers like I previously was, like I never left the bed.

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