Acting Reassurance (J.O)

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Jenna Ortega

Not Requested

I was gonna post this after the Spider-Man story but I'm being hit with big Writers block on that, so I decided to finish this story for you while I figure it out.


The Restaurant was crowded tonight, guests from all over the city have come to see this wonderful establishment that kinda popped up out of nowhere and started making headlines. But there's been some talk about the owner.

Whispers about him being the head of a crime family, that he was using this restaurant as a front for a smuggling operation, or even a possible stash house hidden in plain sight.

Nobody knew the truth behind what actually happens behind the scenes at the establishment, but most knew it was owned by a dangerous man.

A waitress came walking out of a set of double doors while carrying a tray, on the tray sat multiple shot glasses and an expensive looking bottle of whiskey.

The waitress swiftly weaved through filled tables of people dressed up in formal wear and the waiters and waitresses that were taking their orders.

Finally, she made it up to a booth with multiple men sat in it, all these men were wearing suits but not in their intended manner.

They wore their suits loose, replacing ties with glimmering jewelry. One of the men, who looked to be younger than the rest sat with a smirk across his lips.

"Mr. Merrick?" The young man looked up at the waiter with a cigarette in his mouth, the young adult wore an expensive looking black suit with grey linings.

on each of his fingers sat a ring. Upon his neck dangled multiple chain necklaces with a cross sat on top of them.

"Yes?" The young gangster asked the waitress. "Maverick told me to inform you that Eliza needs you in your office." The waitress spoke out making all the men gathered around the table to stare at Mr. Merrick who let out a scoff with a smirk. "Alright."


The group of gangsters walked into the office with Merrick leading the group. He was taking a drag off his cigarette when he stepped into the office seeing a brown haired woman stood next to the desk. He began to approach her while releasing the smoke from his lips.

In her hands sat a framed photo of herself and Merrick, both of them had smiles on their younger faces. "Eliza my dear." Merrick spoke out with a friendly tone.

The woman now known as Eliza turned and looked at Merrick before her stare returned to the picture. "I know you killed him." She suddenly spoke out.

"Hm?" Merrick hummed out in confusion while taking a drag off his cigarette, the end of it burned a bright orange while letting off smoke. "I know you killed that journalist that was digging into our pasts." She spoke out again making Merrick scoff as he blew out smoke. "I was handlin-"

"I swear to God if you say you were handling business to me one more fuckin' time." Eliza spoke with venom lacing her tone as she faced Merrick. "What are you gonna do?" He asked as he waved his hand telling his men to leave the room, which they obeyed.

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