Sequel Vote 2

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I was gonna post this after the next story but since I'm taking a break for a few days I thought why not do it now. As the title says I'm gonna write another sequel to one of my stories and I'd appreciate it if you could help me choose which one.

You don't have to vote but I'd appreciate it if you do😁

Your choices are

My Responsibility (Titled:Our Responsibility)

Y/n & The Apparition

Merc Of The Dark Future

Chin Check

If you wish to vote leave a comment under the one you want or just comment the title of the one you want either ways cool with me, anyways thanks guys

As a side note I'm halfway through "The Fallout" and it's not a bad movie so far... Would anyone be interested in me writing a story with Vada?

Oh yeah and the next story is a requested one

Edit:We had a three way tie so I'll be the one to decide and I honestly wanna write the Sequel to Y/n & The Apparition so that wins.

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