Story Hijacking (Y.W)

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Yung Warchief

April Fools!😉


The room was decently quiet, the only sound that emitted from the room was the occasional voice of a male. "Yeah, for democracy. We're kicking Terminid ass." A young boy with short frizzled brown hair was revealed to be sat in front of a TV with a headset, he was playing games. "Dude that's like the 4th time I've had to reinforce you." He sighed.

Suddenly the door to the bedroom was kicked open making the boy suddenly scream. A person then stepped into the room. "Hey, Yung Warchief! Where the fuck are the stories at!?" The person without a... Face? Moved towards the boy sat in front of the TV and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Who the fuck are you? Why does your face look blurry?"

"I'm your creation!" The faceless male said and Warchief gained a shocked expression. "Woah, you're a bit too old to be my child, plus I keep it strapped up, can't trust nobody." Warchief said before being shaked around by his shirt. "No you dumbass! I'm Y/n!"

Warchief stared at Y/n with a confused expression. "The hell kinda name is Y/n? Sounds like a terminator model... Did Skynet send you? I am Y/n-I53... Wait a minute, Y/n as in "your name"?" Warchief asked making Y/n sigh at how oblivious his creator is. (I'm not this dumb I promise... Maybe)

"Yes! Now where are the goddamn One-Shots!" Y/n shouted while continuing to shake Warchief. "Where are they ______!" Y/n shouted while gripping Warchiefs shirt. "Relax, I've been working on Y/n & The Apparition, as well as thinking about what to write for 5 stories I've already started working on... Including this one." Both Y/n and Warchief then turned to look at you, yes you sitting there reading this. You look good.

Warchief then faced Y/n again. "Wait a minute did you just call me by my real name?" Warchief asked and Y/n nodded. "Dude the fuck!? I don't want my readers to know my real name!" Y/n rolled his eyes. "Relax, look up I left the spot where your name is blank."

Warchief looked back up to the paragraph before the last to see he wasn't lying, the text was now in bold text to easily catch his attention. "Oh yeah, you did; if we say my real name it'll be blank?" Warchief asked and Y/n simply nodded. "_____ is the sexiest man alive!" Warchief shouted. "Schweet."

"Enough about that! What about the stories!?" Y/n shouted facing Yung Warchief. "Relax, I'm working on them. I got like.... Hold on."

Yung Warchief saved this draft to go check how many chapters he's been writing. After a few seconds he suddenly popped back into existence. "Yeah I got like 5 stories I'm working on." He answered and Y/n seemed to be satisfied with that answer.

"What are they?" He asked making Warchief stare at him and hold up his hand. "Woah, woah I told you how many stories I'm working on that's all you get."

Y/n scoffed and looked at his phone laid out on the bed nearby. "I guess I'll just have to check them out myself." Warchief just stared at Y/n confused. "Good luck I have a password on my phone." He said confidently.

"Psh, like I need a password." Y/n then suddenly grabbed Y/n by his forearm before turning to his phone. "The hell are you doing!?" Warchief asked while staring at Y/n who had a smirk across his lips. "I'm taking us into the stories." He answered and Warchief gained a confused expression, but before he could say anything Y/n picked up his phone.

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