The Fleeting Dreams Of A Dying Man

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Jenna Ortega

Requested by Creepyfreak69

Enjoy this fuckin' depressing chapter

Grey ceiling, grey walls and florescent lights that let off a constant buzz. That's what all these hospitals I've been to have in common, my body is betraying me and eating itself. Doctors will try to sugarcoat it like you have a possible chance of surviving. "Our treatments have previously shown great results" or "You'll be in the best care." They're like businessmen trying to sell you false hope.

I have Oshtoran Syndrome, a rare disease that affects the body and nervous system. Basically my body is betraying itself and makes my basic motor functions harder to control, it feels like my limbs are made up of drying concrete. My hands shake when I go to reach for things that I can hardly pick up.

I've done so many things in my life, I've been in so many shows and movies and yet when I got diagnosed it felt like I didn't do enough, like I wasn't working hard enough and this was my payment for it.

I've spent the last year hospital hopping around the country, trying different treatment plans and it's starting to get to me. I hate being here in these fuckin' hospitals, They're all lifeless and I don't wanna die in these grey rooms.

I might as well be in a fuckin' psych ward since being in all these grey hospital rooms all I can do is be stuck with my thoughts in this decaying body.

Trust me the thoughts of a slowly dying man aren't the things you'd want to be trapped with, I've already gone through all the stages of processing my inevitable death and I don't fear it, I'm ready but-

"Mr. L/n?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts and look at the doctor in front of me. "Yes?" I stare at him with a blank expression, I've been through this multiple times. Where a doctor explains their treatment that'll basically only delay my time to leave this earth, they want me to sign a paper and pour my money into getting what? A couple more months to live and spend in more hospitals. "Will you accept the treatment?" He asked and I was about to give my answer until. "He will." A female voice spoke out next to me.

I turned to the side and see my girlfriend of many years Jenna Ortega standing next to me. "Hold on." I cut in looking at the doctor then at Jenna who looked at me shocked. "Could you just give us a moment to talk about this?" I asked the doctor who simply nodded and turned to step out of the room.

When I was first diagnosed Jenna was adamant we try every possible treatment to find a way to save my life and at first I was all on board, but after going through every possible treatment my faith in a cure died more and more with every failed treatment, but Jenna was determined on continuing to search. "What're you-" Jenna started before I interrupted her.

"I don't wanna do it." I said making Jenna stare at me. "Y/n this treatment sounds promising and could provide-" I let out a sigh and looked to the side. "I don't want to sit around in hospital room anymore, I don't want to go through their fuckin' machines that tell me the same thing that there isn't a way to save me." I vented while moving to get up but struggled as I felt my arm shake as I gripped the cane I had to use to help me walk, my motor functions are fading with each passing week.

"Y/n you can't just give up." Jenna said in desperation while standing up and taking a hold of my hand. "Jenna." I turned to face her. "I gave up a long time ago, I'm dying and I accept that. I know you can't and I don't expect you to but I'm not dying in a hospital room, that's not how I wanna go out." I said with grunt of pain as my body was in pain.

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