Baby Fever Pt.2 (J.O)

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Jenna Ortega

Happy Mother's Day


Florence, Italy

The sounds of seagulls and other sea birds could be heard as they flew above the beautiful city of Florence, Italy. It was peaceful, that was until-


A man came crashing through a large window, he fell through the sky at a pretty high drop before landing on a nearby rooftop with a roll and glass falling all around him.

The man took a breath shaking off the shock of what he just did, the man then turned around to see another man looking out the window that he just jumped from high, looking down at him.

"Va te faire foutre, flic!" The man on the roof shouted at the man in the window in French before he spun around and started running along the top of the brick tile roof.

Back with the man at the window he was revealed to be wearing a tuxedo. "Son of a bitch." He cursed to himself in English. The man then brought his hand up to his ear and pushed on a small device he had in it. "Songbird this is Crow, my covers been blown. Targets making a run for it."

After speaking the man let go of his ear before backing up. "Guess I just gotta improvise." He mumbled to himself before he started running towards the shattered window and jumped up on the sill and leaping out the window.

Crow fell the far distance before landing on the same rooftop as the man prior with a tactical roll before he quickly got to his feet and chased after the man who jumped out the window before him.

As he ran the man in the suit could hear a crackle come from his earpiece. "Copy, Crow this is Songbird." A female voice spoke into his ear before she continued. "We'll send in help."

Crow continued to chase after the man not taking long to catch up to him. "Negative! Predict his route and get someone to cut him off!" Crow shouted as he got close to the man he chased.

"Laisse-moi tranquille!" The man being chased shouted in French as he ran into an opened door shoving a woman carrying a basket of clothes aside sending her crashing to the floor. "Déplace-le putain!"

Crow ran past the woman on the ground and chased the man into a stair well leading down. As he ran down the stairs he could hear the woman above. "Des hommes immondes!" She shouted in French.

Crow looked over the railing to see that the man he was chasing was already down a few floors, the drip to the bottom wasn't too far.

He suddenly had a plan but he'd have to plan it correctly. Crow climbed over the railing to the opposite side and waited as the man got closer and closer to the bottom of the stairs, when he was in the right spot Crow dropped off the railing quickly falling down towards the man.

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