Chapter 89

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Saturday June 27, 2020, 2:30 PM

The twins had been fed and changed and they were now sleeping again. Penny looked tired, so Leonard told her it was her turn to get a nap in. After all, he got one just after lunch, after Penny had gotten her shower. Penny went to her bed, lowering it, got in, and was soon asleep.

Leonard watched about fifteen minutes of television before getting up and walking out of the room. He punched in a number and heard it ringing.

After three rings he heard a voice said. "Hello."

"Hello, Louie, this is Leonard." Leonard said.

"Hi, Leonard, how is everything going?" Louie asked.

"It's going well." Leonard said. "The doctor said she will be able to come home tomorrow."

"Do you know what time?" Louie asked.

"The doctor is coming in around 9 AM, to do Penny's discharge." Leonard said. "You have a key, so why don't you get there around 9 AM? We haven't been home for a couple of days, so if you would, go ahead and set things up, diapers, bassinets, changing supplies, all of that, the way you think is best, since we've never done this before. After we get home you can run over everything you set up and show us what we should be doing. After a week or so, if we think another setup might work better, we'll talk about it, compare the two, and make changes, or not, whatever you think are best." He heard Louie chuckle. "What's funny?" Leonard asked.

"I've never had a parent ask me to compare different ways of doing things, or tell me what I think is best." Louie said. "Usually, they just tell me they are changing things."

"But, we haven't done this before, and you have." Leonard said. "Why wouldn't we talk to you and get your opinion?"

Louie decided she was going to like the Hofstadter's quite a bit. "Leonard, that's just the way some parents are, they think they know what is best, or want to be in control, even though they've never had a baby in the houses before. Sometimes, they don't know, what they don't know."

"Don't worry about us, we will ask." Leonard said. "And, we will listen to you at the beginning. That may change as we get more experience, but we will always ask for your input. The main thing, for now, is I just want to make sure everything is set up for when the babies do get home. That's the main reason I'm asking you."

"Well, don't worry, Leonard." Louie said. "I'll have it all set up by 10 AM." She went on to detail everything she would do, then said. "So, if you get home early, it's not my fault, if it's not ready." She added with a giggle. Leonard chuckled. "I won't, I promise. And, if we do get home early, I won't blame you."

Okay, see you tomorrow, hopefully before noon." Louie said.

"Yes, hopefully." Leonard said. "Thanks, and goodbye, Louie."

"Goodbye, Leonard." Louie said.

Both of them disconnected.

Leonard pulled up his contact list and selected a number.

He waited for a few seconds and three rings before he heard. "Hello, Leonard, what's up?"

"I need you to do me a favor." Leonard said.

"Sure, what do you need?"

Saturday June 27, 2020, 4:00 PM

Penny had woken up around four and they talked about feeding the twins, but they were still asleep. However, just like the day before, the meal cart early and with the twins still asleep, Leonard and Penny ate their dinner. They talked about going home tomorrow and Leonard explained that he had asked Louie to come by at nine to get the house ready. He asked her to arrange the baby things, diapers, wipes, etc, just to be ready when they got home. After all, they hadn't been home for a few days.

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