Chapter 90

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Sunday June 28, 2020, 10:00 AM

Penny opened the door to the house while Leonard called out for Louie. She came to the door and Leonard asked her to get one of the babies, while he got the other. They carried them into the house and put them in the bassinets Louie had brought down from their room. Leonard went back out to get the rest of the things.

"Was it difficult to bring the bassinets down here?" Penny asked.

"Not at all, why?" Louie said.

"I was just wondering how difficult it was going to be to move them up and down the stairs." Penny said.

"That's the good part, you don't have to." Louie said.

"What do you mean?" Penny asked.

"You can keep the bassinets down here." Louie said. "You can use them during the day and at night, you have the cribs upstairs."

Penny looked concerned. "Isn't there something about not putting newborns into cribs?"

"No, not with the new cribs." Louie said. "Cribs, bassinets, it really doesn't matter. I have friends who work for people, like you, who have bassinets on the first floor and cribs on the second. This way, they don't have to move stuff around."

That made sense to Penny as she watched Leonard start bringing in the various bags, luggage, and clothes. Leonard took the dirty clothes and luggage upstairs, while Louie and Penny put the various baby things they had brought home in their proper places downstairs. After that, the three of them talked about how the next week would go.

Leonard explained that the doctor said Penny wasn't to pick up the babies and that he, or Louie after Leonard had shown her the proper way. Louie smirked at this. Would have to pick them up and give them to Penny, for at least a week. They also talked about how many hours Louie would be spending at the house. Penny suggested six hours a day, from 9 AM to 4 PM, with an hour lunch. Leonard agreed, but Louie thought it might be better for her to be there for eight hours a day. But, she said she would be willing to start with the six and see how it went for Penny and Leonard.

By the time they were done discussing the various things, it was near 11:30. Leonard suggested having lunch before it was feeding time. Both women agreed and Leonard made some sandwiches and soup for the three of them. Just as Leonard was putting the dishes in the sink, the sound of crying was heard. Leonard hurried over and found it was Ava who had woken up. He asked Louie to come over so he could show her how the doctors had instructed him on how to give them to Penny. He apologized saying she probably knew more than he did, but she waved it away with a grin. He gives Ava to Penny and after she was done feeding, he took her from Penny, with Louie watching.

Leonard then watched as Louie picked up Avery and handed her to Penny. She did it perfectly, he thought, although Leonard figured she had enough experience that he probably didn't need to show her how to do it. He burped and changed Ava, then held her until Avery was done feeding. Louie took Avery from Penny and Leonard handed Ava to Penny. A few minutes later, and burped and changed Avery was picked up by Leonard and he and Penny sat on the couch with the babies.

Sunday June 28, 2020, 5:45 PM

Louie had gone home, Leonard and Penny had eaten dinner, Leonard had cleaned up, and was now looking forward to sitting and resting for a bit. Just as he sat down, they heard a cry from the bassinets. Leonard went over and found Ava crying. He picked her up and took her to Penny, who begins feeding her. Avery was also awake, but not crying so he left her for now.

When Ava was finished, Leonard took her from Penny and puts her in the bassinet, then picked up Avery giving her to Penny. He then begins burping and changing Ava and after he finished, he sat on the couch, holding her. As Leonard watched Penny feeding Avery, it occurred to him that they would not be able to do the schedule as they did in the hospital. With no one else to pick up and hand the babies to Penny, he would have to get up every time they woke up for a feeding. He thought about that then a plan begins to form in his mind.

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