EPISODE - 11 [ confession ]

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They left from the restaurant. They got into soobin's car.when yeonjun is about to seat belt him soobin stopped him and soobin helped him.when soobin turn his head to yeonjun then he realised they are so close.only few inches apart one wrong move they will kiss. With that yeonjun's heart is beating like crazy.he is trying his best to calm down but he failed it.

Suddenly soobin smashed his lips onto yeonjun's.yeonjun shocked first then enjoyed.they kiss for a few seconds then parted their lips for some oxygen.yeonjun is look red like a tomato now.soobin sit back to his seat and turned around to yeonjun.

"Yeonjun why didn't you tell me about this before?" Soobin asked. "I- actually I am also realised this now" yeonjun replied. " I am not asking about that , why didn't you tell me about that you are heir of a big company?" Soobin asked."how can I tell my identy and come to your company.everyone think I am crazy" Yeonjun said.

"You are right, but atleast you could told me the truth" soobin go closer to yeonjun and said.yeonjun blushed even more.

"You are so cute" soobin suddenly said and started the car. "Ahh" yeonjun's heart is again beat like crazily.

_time skip_

Soobin and yeonjun arrived at yeonjun's apartment.yeonjun fastly got out the car. When he about to close the door soobin stopped and said. "Good night '자기야' ( honey ) ,sweet dreams. don't forget to dream about me" yeonjun shocked with that nick name he hurriedly closed the door and ran to his apartment. "Cute" soobin mumbled.

_next day_

In soobin's apartment.soobin wakeup and grabbed his phone. He deiled a number and put phone close to his ear.



"Hello hyung,why did you call me"

"Kai ,today I will go myself to company you don't have to pick me.you can insted go to the company"

"Okay hyung"


Soobin got up from his bed and get ready fastly.he got into his car and go to yeonjun's apartment

He knocked the door.yeonjun opened the door he shocked to see soobin infront of his house. he tried to close the door but soobin put his big hand and leg between the door. Yeonjun try to close the door but yeonjun is too weak infront of soobin.

"I am your fiance,why are you acting like this?" Soobin asked. "Nothing,why did you come here?" Yeonjun asked.

"I am come here to pick you" soobin replied. "No thanks, you can go now. I have my bike to come" yeonjun said.

"Today you will come with me not only today from now on. you are my personal assistant don't forget about that, so from now on your coming with me" soobin said.

Soobin is saying this and he keep going closer to yeonjun. yeonjun is going back to back when he hit the wall soobin took that chance and pin yeonjun under his hands and wall. Yeonjun try to avoid eye contact but soobin lift yeonjun's chin with his Intex finger. Soobin lift his chin up and he smashed his lips on to yeonjun's. Yeonjun is trying to push soobin away but soobin stronger then him. But he tried his best and pushed soobin away. He collect his oxygen back.

"Why did you do that?" Yeonjun asked."w-what?" Soobin said.

"Why did you kiss me? You are taking advantage of me or what?" Yeonjun asked.

"Yeonjun, I am not taking advantage of you I am ju"- "you what? You are taking advantage of me as your fian"- "because I love you yeonjun I am fucking love you. When you come to my life, my life totally changed. I don't smile so much but you make me smile yeonjun. I behave rude and cold to my colleague's , but when I see you my coldness fade away . You are so special to me.

When I realised that you are my fiance that make me so happy I don't know why you make me so special ? But now I know why I am so sweet to you because I love you yeonjun. I don't know why I feel like I love you before I like you before I feel like I took reborn to meet you. You are so familiar to me from the beginning ( do you get it guys do you remember they meet first that time he hurts his chest that what I mean ).
I love you yeonjun please un"- yeonjun interupted with kissing soobin's lips. Tears are flowing down from soobin's eyes.this is the first time Yeonjun seeing soobin crying because soobin don't cry that much. Yeonjun wiped soobin's tears with his thumb.

"I love you too soobin, I am freaking love you too" yeonjun confessed hugging soobin with a tight hug. "Don't cry now,why are you crying like this? Are you a kid?" Yeonjun said.
Soobin shakes his head with 'no' sign.
"Then don't cry , let's go to the company we will late" yeonjun said. Soobin shook his head as a 'yes' sign.

_time skip_



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