EPISODE - 13 [ at bin's apartment ]

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_time skip_ evening_

"Taehyun today i will come with you" yeonjun said. "Okay,but where is your bike?" "Ah my bike.....oh my bike actually...,today i come with boss" yeonjun said.

"Then come with boss ,why with me?" "Boss will late,so boss tell me to go with you" yeonjun said.

"Okay then come let's go" taehyun said.

Time skip_
_next day_

Today yeonjun is come with taehyun (don't ask me why?)
They reached at the company.when they entered the company some employees are discussing about something.

"What are you guys discussing?" Taehyun asked. "You didn't here about that!,our boss mr.choi is engaged with 'CE TECH' heir, some people are saying that's a boy some people saying that's a girl. No one knows it's that a boy or a girl" one of them said. ( A/N - ce tech President's child is hidden so no one know it's that male or female)

'what how did this become public?' yeonjun thought. Suddenly taehyun grabbed yeonjun's wrist pulled him to a place there is no one.


"Low your voice, someone will here us , i am already looking forward to tell you,but i didn't get time"yeonjun said.

"Did you agree with that? Are you okay with this marriage?"
"Actually we love each other, yesterday he confessed" yeonjun said.

Taehyun eyes widened. "You are telling me too late,i am your best friend" taehyun wiped his non showed tears. "Okay sorry taehyun". taehyun looked at his watch and said. "Go to your office your 'husband' will be waiting for you' taehyun teased. Yeanjun hitted taehyun litely then he quickly run away.

Yeonjun entered to the office.soobin is working. "Junnie hyung", soobin called."yes, what is it soobin?" "Come here" "what?" Yeonjun asked and go close to soobin's table. "Check this,if any mistakes in there" soobin said.

"Then give me" yeonjun said. "Just look through this" soobin said. "Ok" yeonjun signed. Yeonjun is checking the data.soobin is not looking at the computer he is looking at yeonjun.

"The data is okay" yeonjun said. When yeonjun turned his head to soobin that time he realised soobin is looking at him from the beginning. Yeonjun blushed messily like a 🍅.

"Huhmm" yeonjun interupted soobin's gaze. "Ah- ok thanks" soobin said.

_time skip__


"Aren't you alone in your apartment?are you okay to move in to my apartment?" Soobin asked. "For what?" "For stay" soobin said with a smirk.

"I have to think about it" yeonjun said. "Why? Are you scared of we are staying alone? Do you scared if i do an" - "okay fine" yeonjun interupted. "But my things are at my apartment we have to take that" yeonjun said.

"Ok,we can take that"soobin said. "Then i have to tell taehyun"yeonjun said. "Okay, ah-- taehyun but what are you going to say?" Soobin asked."he know about us?" Yeonjun said. "How???" Soobin titled his head.

"So you didn't here our engagement details are already spread in the company,but don't worry they don't know that is me" yeonjun said. "Oh..okay then tell taehyun"soobin said

_time skip_

They go to yeonjun's apartment and packed his things soobin helped him too. 'what I just did it? Am i a fool? Ahhgg..' yeonjun thought.after packing they go to soobin's apartment.

_Time skip_

_at night_

"I will cook food for us, what do you want for dinner?" Soobin asked. "hmm..Noodles" "okay then sit here,i will make noodles for us" soobin said. "Hmm" Yeonjun hummed.

Soobin is cooking food for them. Yeonjun tired of just sitting, so he went to kitchen. "Soobin what are you cooking? Why did you taking so long time?" Yeonjun asked. "I am making fried chicken"

Yeonjun give a back hug to soobin. Suddenly soobin turned to yeonjun they make eye contact for a while. Then soobin's gaze diverted to his plumby lips.suddenly soobin pick up yeonjun and placed him on the countertop and kissed him on the lips. Passionatly he forget he is cooking. But suddenly yeonjun felt a burned smell he broke the kiss and turned his head to the stove then he released. He quickly jumbed from the countertop and offed the stove .

Yeonjun placed his hand on his hips and said. "Now it is burned. I will cook the left over,you go and wait for me" when soobin hesitate to go, yeonjun pushed him from the kitchen and started to cook.

_Time skip_ (sorry for the time skip author is too lazy to write)
_after dinner_

"Bin,i will sleep in the couch" "no you will sleep in the bed and i will sleep in the couch" soobin said. "No no i will sleep in the couch"yeonjun said.

"Then come , let's sleep in the bed together" soobin said with a smirk. "Don't want that" yeonjun said. "Then sleep in the bed" "fine" yeonjun giveup.

Yeonjun is on the bed and soobin is on the couch. Yeonjun is sleeping. When soobin started to sleep but suddenly he heard thunder strike and lightening soobin is scared of thunders so he can't sleep.soobin stand up from the couch and go to the room, yeonjun is sleeping he slowly opened the door and get into the bed. When he sleep with yeonjun he smells olders scent that's cool down soobin a bit. He turned his head to face yeonjun is sleeping with a cute pout. Soobin slowly fall into the dream land. Looking at yeonjun.


Sorry for the late update. I am too lazy to write that's why I take so long. I didn't finish the script yet. So I have to write the script too. Hope you like the chapter see you soon bye sweeties 😘

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