EPISODE - 16 [ part-1 ]

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Past, part no : 1


The four of them fall into a magical wold.

In the sky a palace showned. A little boy [10 years old] he is practicing his martial arts.
After a few minutes later a man appeared.

"Dad" he said and run closer to that person who look like a king.

"That's my boy" taehyung's dad patted his head.

"your majesty queen is calling you" suddenly a maid come and said.

"Taehyung come with me mom is calling us " taehyung's dad and taehyung entered the palace.

"my baby come here" his mom said and approached him.

"Mummy~~" they both hugged tightly.
"Come here i made a new dish for you try it,it helps you to increase your cultivation level" taehyung mom said.

"Oh thank you mom you are the best mother in the world" taehyung said.

"Ahmm.. i am also here you guys can mind me too" suddenly v's dad said.

"Come here baby" taehyung's mom avoid her husband and left with his son.

"Yaah... Honey don't go" taehyung's dad said and followed them.

_same time,other palace_

A little boy [8 years old] is practicing his martial arts. "Hey prince" a boy [11 years old] approuched him.

"Hey hyung how are you doing?" Jungkook asked. " I am good prince, do you learn any other skills?" Yoongi asked.

"yes i am, don't call me prince again , i i already told you to call me with my nick name"

"But prin- i told you to don't call me that again" jungkook interupted yoongi.

"Prince, majesty is calling you" a maid suddenly came and said.

"Okay i am coming" jungkook approached his father.

"Dad, why did you call me?" Jk asked.

"Kookie now you want a weapon right?" His dad asked.

"Yes i want it" jungkook curiosly said.

"come here, what type of weapon do you want?" Jungkook's dad asked.

"Hm.. let me think.............

I want a hand fan"

"What? A hand fan? I didn't here about this before" jungkook's dad confusly said.

"Yeah ... I want to try extra ordinary" jungkook started to cry.

"Kookie my baby,why are you crying? Did dad hurt you?" A lady approached them and asked.

"No mom, i want a hand fan" jungkook said.

"Oh hand fan you have already so many handfan's then what kind of handfan do you want?"

"I want a weapon as handfan" jungkook said and started to cry again.

"Oh no don't cry , i will make it for you my baby" jungkook's mom said.

"Really?" jungkook asked with sparkling his eyes. She nodded her head.

Jungkook'm mom is great weapon maker.
Jungkook's mom take a handfan from her room.she started to do magic and few minutes later she handed that to jungkook.

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