EPISODE - 21 [ will they survive? ]

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• Warning ⚠️

°°Mention of blood & death


Yeonjun suddenly opened his eyes but in a different place. The place is covered with white fogg.

'am i dead, no i want to save them' he thought and tried to run from there.

But someone called him from behind whom he didn't expected to see. He turned around with wide eyes.

"T-Taehyung?" Taehyung go close to yeonjun.

Yeonjun can't believe his eyes so he rubbed his eyes twice to conform he is dreaming or- but taehyung stopped him.

"It's not a dream, but it is" taehyung said.

"Huh what you mean?" Yeonjun confusly asked.

He is feeling a little weird because he is talking to him I mean taehyung and he is same person right.

"You are in your mind" taehyung said.

"Huh- i don't understand,what are you talking about?"

"What is more important to you now?" taehyung didn't answer his question and asked him.

"I want to save my friends and soobin" yeonjun immediately said.

"But i can't help them, because i am so weak" yeonjun said and lowered his head. taehyung nodded.

"You can't save him, but you can if you want, and don't repeat what I did before" taehyung said.


Taehyung took yeonjun's hand in his and said. "Now I am going to give you the power, and promise me you will not repeat what I did -we did before, Sam is the demon king he is reborn like you but he has his power. so this is the only way to stop him, and remember he has a weakness only that thing can destroy him" yeonjun nodded and closed his eyes. Taehyung pass the power to him. And he opened his eyes.

"But what is his wea-" before he could ask him taehyung disappeared from there.

_the same time_

"I think he is already dead, after destroying you too my revenge will be finished" sam said and laughed creepily. yuna go close to sam and looked at soobin like he will not servive.

"How pity , now how is it feel, so sorry your boyfriend will not come back again. now it's your turn to die" yuna said and smirked.

Soobin can't even utter a word because of the things happened a few minutes ago.

He dreamed to live happily with yeonjun.but now- Soobin bitterly laughed. He don't even know why their life become like this.
Beomgyu and taehyun looked at their hyung helplessly, they don't even know if they will survive or not.


Yeonjun wake up from the dream or mind. He stand up from the ground. Soobin saw that.

"Y-yeonjun" soobin muttered.yuna saw that too. Yeonjun let out a spell towards to sam, before sam could turn around yuna come infront of him, because of the power force yuna fall onto the floor and coughed blood.
This action make all of them surprised and looked at yeonjun.

This time yeonjun Purposely let out his power towards to yuna, she hit on the wall and fall on to the floor, then died. (This girl has a short life span)

Yeonjun looked at sam. But nothing happened to him. 'so she is not his weakness' yeonjun thought.

"Oh,so you do get your powers back" sam said.
"You are right" yeonjun said.

"But with this power you can't destroy me, you are now a human, human bodies can't take much power" sam said and attacked yeonjun but yeonjun blocked and attacked back.

Sam moved a bit back from where he stood and coughed blood, he wipe of the blood with his hand, he laughed and started to attack again.

This time yeonjun noticed a dagger on the floor a little far away but he took that with his controlling power and throw the dagger to sam.

Before sam could react against it the dagger penetrated to his heart.

We think he will hurt with that but- sam easily took the dagger from his chest and throw towards to yeonjun.

Luckily yeonjun move a side.

The cut on sam's chest healed . 'why he didn't die yet? What is his weakness' yeonjun thought.

Before he could thought more deep sam again attacked. This time yeonjun caughted blood.

But he keep thinking about the weakness so he didn't notice there is something fastly comes towards him but soobin go infront of him and catched it with his hands.

He catched on the blade part of the knife so his hand cut and started to bleed.

Yeonjun quickly come out of his thoughts and saw what happened, he got angry and he used his full power towards to sam.

Yeonjun quickly took a kerchief and ripped then wrapped around soobin's hand quickly to stop bleeding.

Then yeonjun caught his attention towards the knife.

'the sword, yes so sam died because i stabbed him with my sword, so that means only my sword can kill him'
Yeonjun thought.

He recalled the event happened on the past so he can appear his sword.

He closed his eyes and rose into the air and he opened his hand.

Other side in the museum, the glass case around the sword started to crack and the glass completely brokened.

The sword fly towards to the building and come to yeonjun's hand and glowed. With that his immortal mark appeared on his forehead.

'no no it can't be possible' sam thought stepped back fearing.

Yeonjun opened his eyes. His orbs are now golden colour. "No, it's not what i want" sam said and backaway.

Yeonjun smirked and a speed of flash he stabbed sam with the sword and pull the sword out. With that sam burned into ashes.

Suddenly the sword in yeonjun's hand fall onto the floor and he unconsciously start to fall but luckily soobin held him. The immortal mark on his forehead disappeared.

Taehyun and beomgyu come close to them. Soobin hold him in bridal style.

"What about the sword?" Taehyun asked. You know why he asked this right. Beomgyu try to pick up the sword but failed.

"Only yeonjun can pick that" soobin said.

"Now , let's go out of here, we have to take yeonjun hyung to hospital" taehyun said and they left from there.

When they left from there the sword disappeared from there and go back to the museum.


Double update 😁. I thought to post tomorrow but anyway published today.

I expect you are enjoying this story.

Bye 👋

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