Chapter 1-Prologue

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Sunday July 19, 2020, 2:00 PM

Leonard Hofstadter, PhD. had just put Avery in her bassinet. Penny was taking a nap and he had just finished feeding and changing both of the twins. He had the bassinets on the dining room table and he was letting the girls grab his fingers, while he made faces at them.

They were starting to sleep more, up to four hours sometimes, and at least two. This received some of the pressure, as either Leonard or Penny could feed them, while the other slept. Of course, Penny healing from her surgery and now being able to pick the girls up on her own was the biggest help.

Unfortunately, the twins had now sometimes started in on sleeping on different schedules. For the first few weeks, they would eat, get changed and go back to sleep for about two hours. It made planning for their feedings easier.

Now, however, one would wake up early, crying for food, while the other slept and thought crying after feeding was a good idea. It wasn't even the same one who would cry early or take longer to go back to sleep. It seemed like Ava and Avery would both take turns not going back to sleep after eating or waking up early and crying. This meant their parents were sometimes feeding every hour or two and were now much more tired than they had been.

At least they had Louie as their nanny. During the day, she was always on top of things, getting the twins so either Penny or Leonard could feed them, changing them after they ate, or making sure changing supplies were stocked both upstairs and downstairs. And, of course, she was a whiz at getting them settled do after they ate.

Penny would mostly feed them during the day, sometimes pumping and storing milk for Leonard to use during the night, when it was his turn to feed them. But, Louie was keeping everything straight for Leonard and Penny and would even feed them, using some of Penny's stored milk, during the day, if both Penny and Leonard were napping. Louie was now their biggest help and they were glad they had hired her and given her more hours.

As Leonard looked down on his two daughters, he thought. It has been a crazy year. Last spring, I got a co-lead on the Photon Entanglement team and Amy and Sheldon got put in for the Nobel Prize. Last July, Penny and I went to visit her parents. It was a nice drive there and back with a few nights in Las Vegas. He chuckled. It's going to be a while before we go back there.

Then we found out that Sheldon and Amy won the Nobel. But, while that didn't really change anything for us, it did change a lot for Amy and Sheldon. And, Sheldon, as usual, couldn't handle the change. Everyone wanted to talk to him and then Amy made all those changes to herself. She was happy and looked great, but he just flipped out. At least Penny got him calmed down and she was able to get him to deal with it. I was even able to get him to somewhat enjoy traveling to other universities.

It changed our life too, it's just we didn't know it at the time and then didn't tell anyone right away we did find out. Because that's the night your mother became pregnant with you two. It had to be that night. As Penny said, before that night we were sick, then she had her period. Afterward, we didn't see each other for two weeks, first, she went to a convention, then I went to one. There was only that one night, any other time was either too soon or too late.

It was soon after that I found out Mike was leaving and Gablehauser told me I would become the sole lead for the Photon Entanglement Team. It has gone very well, as our experiments have worked and I came up with a new material for the beam splitter the increased the number of Entanglements. Now, Keith's team is doing calculations to find out why the new material works and doing the calculations to see it other materials can create even more.

Tom's team is making plans for new experiments and modifying the current experiment so we can try any new materials, based on Keith's calculations. In some ways, I can't wait to get back to work, but I will miss you two.

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