Chapter 3-Looming Visitors

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Monday July 27, 2020, 6:45 AM

Penny heard the crying and got out of bed, looking at the clock, she thought. Well, they are certainly getting up later today. She walked across the hall to the twins' bedroom. It was Ava who was crying this morning, it seems they are taking turns waking up first. Penny thought. She picked her up, took her over to the chair, sat down, and unbuttoned her pajama top. She took out her breast and offered it to Ava. Ava took it in her mouth, got a good latch, and she started feeding. Penny, as usual, rocked back and forth as she fed her. When Ava was done, Penny burped and changed her, then sat in the chair, holding her. Penny let's her grab her fingers while she stroked Ava's hair, rubbed her face softly, or kissed her forehead. Ava fell asleep and Penny placed her in her crib before checking to see Avery was ready to eat, but she was still asleep. So Penny turned on the baby monitor and went back to her bedroom.

She puts on her robe, quietly so as not to wake Leonard. After all, he did three feedings last night and she was going to let him sleep until ten. She walked down the stairs, turned on the baby monitor there, then turned on the coffee. Penny decided to have eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast, so she got out the eggs, puts the pan on the stove, and turned it on after putting a pat of butter in the pan.

Just then, she heard crying coming from the monitor, so she shuts off the stove and went back upstairs, to the twins' room. She found Avery was finally awake and she fed, burped and changed her. She also then held her for a time while doing the same things she had done with Ava before she too fell asleep. So, Penny placed her in her crib and walked back down to the kitchen.

She turned the stove back on, before placing two slices of bread in the toaster and putting three slices of bacon they had cooked the day before, in the microwave. She then poured a cup of coffee and glass of orange juice. The butter was melted so she started frying the eggs. The toast popped up and she buttered it and just before the eggs finished, the microwave went off, indicating the bacon was done. She puts that on her plate, then the eggs, and took the plate on the kitchen island. She sat down and started eating, thinking about the weekend.

With the weekend being Louie's two days off, it had gotten hectic, at times over the weekend, without Louie there to help them. Several times over the weekend, Ava or Avery's crying had woken the other twin, so they had to deal with two crying babies. Other times one twin would not go back to sleep after a feeding and would keep the other one awake and crying. This would interrupt either Penny or Leonard's sleep and they would get up and help the other.

On the positive side, Amy and Bernadette had come over on Saturday, with Bernadette bringing Halley and Michael over. The occasion was Leonard and Howard, along with Raj, going over to 4A, to play some board games with Sheldon, something they hadn't done since the twins were born. They had ordered pizza for dinner, as the women did at Penny's and the guys returned around 8 PM, with Amy leaving to go back to 4A and Bernadette returning home.

On Sunday, Howard brought Halley and Michael over, while Raj and Sheldon came over to play board games at Leonard's, so the women would have a break from the kids. The women came back early enough that, everyone could eat at their own homes. The twins were again fussy on Sunday night and Penny thought about how great it was going to be having Louie there today, she was due to come in at 9 AM, and Penny thought about getting a nap.

Looking at the clock, Penny saw it was 7:30, so she puts the dishes in the sink, grabbed the baby monitor, and went to the living room. She could watch a couple of episodes of Unsolved Mysteries before Louie got there if the twins didn't wake up.

Monday July 27, 2020, 11:30 AM

"Penny, are you ready?" Leonard shouted up the stairs.

"Be right down." He heard Penny say.

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