5: The Bar

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What exactly are you doing?

Oh hey, Exodius! I didn't think you would be at a bar, especially this one.

I can be pretty surprising at times.

You? Pretty? That in itself is surprising.

You haven't even seen me with my helmet off! I bet you look worse anyway. You must be as ugly as your personality. You and your selective hearing.

Ha! Keep talking Titan. It sounds like you are just begging to see me.

What are you thinking, Hunter?

I'm thinking we should get to drinking. You. And. Me.

Well, before we get to that, shouldn't you, you know, clean up your mess?

Mess? What- OH! The pile of bodies! Right, right. I rigged their guns with the help of my Ghost. They should detonate in five... four...

I see, they'll detonate. Wait. . . THEY'LL DETONATE!? Move out of the way!

*One explosion later*

Oh, my poor head... Exodius, you alright? Some metal debris must've fallen on... OH MY GOD!

Huh? What? Dinner's ready?

No wha- Get off me!

A "thank you" would be nice.

Ugh. Thank you...

What was that? I don't think I heard you clearly.

THANK YOU! God, you're insufferable.

You're welcome. I'm just going to ignore the other thing you said.

Oh would you look at that? Enemies. Isn't that nice?

Let's just get this over with. I have a meeting with Zavala in an hour.

*One boss fight later*

Well, that took us two hours. I guess you're not going to that meeting?

Nope. I never really wanted to go anyway.


Yeah. I'll just leave it at that.

Soooo, does that mean we're getting drunk?

You'll get drunk. I'm a robot, so I can't.

Well I guess you'll be missing out.

So what does it feel like?


To get drunk. What does it feel like?

Have you ever been dizzy?


Imagine that while laughing. At least for me, that's how it mostly is.

Sounds quite enjoyable. Mostly?

Sometimes, very rare, it can reveal a side of me nobody ever sees.

That is?

It isn't violent, but it isn't light-hearted.

Oh. Depressing?




I'm sorry.

For what?

I seem to have brought up a sensitive topic.

Well you're the curious type, and I respect that. Don't apologize, there's no need.


Something's on your mind?


Speak. There's no one here. We've killed them all.

It's just... There's a lot of pressure being a Guardian. You have to watch humanity's back while watching yours and your Ghost's. I don't even remember who I was before I became one of them. Nobody does.

These are some understandable worries...

What if I did something unforgivable? What if I'm a criminal? A killer? A monster?

Exodius, you're no monster. You're a loyal Titan. You'd throw your life away to protect the people. Hell, you saved me from the explosion even if I would have been resurrected! Who you were before shouldn't affect who you are now.

Can I say something that I think will surprise you?

Go ahead. Surprise me!

Before I do... I... uh... You have a wonderful face. Forget what I said before. (Quit stalling! Just say it already!)

Exodius I-

I wouldn't have done what I did if it wasn't you.

Excuse me?

If it wasn't you, I wouldn't have tried to protect you from the explosion. I'd more likely have tried to get away first, then come back to laugh and poke fun.

I see.

In that time, I thought only of you and your safety.

That's, very sweet of you.


Is it believable to say you don't look too bad yourself?


Of course!


Anything for- uhmmm never mind.

What is it? Please tell me.

Anything for the Titan I care for the most.

You feel the same?

Yeah, I do. I felt something the first time we met. You were... different from the others, and I liked that.

That's interesting. You know I took one look at you and felt some weird way. It was a good weird.

How did it go from you finding me with a pile of bodies to us having a confession?

I don't know, but I do know that it was well worth it.

It is worth it. Hey, Exodius?

Ye- What was that wonderful thing?

A little parting gift, but much better than before. I'll see you later, Titan.

Did she just- Yeah, she did. Hey, Ghost... I can't feel my everything, but I think I'm in love.

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