4: Awkward

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Now that I have all the ingredients, I can make the Golden Age seafood dinner. I wonder how it would taste since it's raw fish... Hmmm... Maybe— oh shi-

Hey are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine... Just dropped my dinner, that's all.

Oh. Bummer. You want me to help?

Sure. Thanks by the way.

No problem.

I don't know how long it's been since— oh. It's you.

Hey, Eve.

Exodius. Wait. How do you know my name?


That little— I'm gonna have a long talk with her about disclosing my life.

Well it's not like she did it to annoy you. She's just worried.

And she talks to YOU of all people! Just go away already.

No. I said I would help, so I'm helping. I'm off duty anyway right now.

So that's why you aren't wearing armor. It only proves my point further that you're a pretty skinny Titan.

Funny you say that when I'm not thin at all. It would probably be one of the reasons the Traveler chose me to be a Titan, ma'am. It's also the reason why you might be a Hunter.

Because I'm short?

Because you're fast. Your body was built for speed and agility.

There you go again with my body. Maybe take care of yours, go ask Clovis to buff ya up a lil.

You're making it your life mission to insult me, aren't you?

Every second you're with me, you will suffer.



We both have our helmets on.

I just don't want people looking at me. You need the helmet to hide your ugly Exo face.

Why are you so mean?

Because I don't like you.


You're rude, annoying, and sensitive as hell. Also, you just overall suck. Don't think I haven't heard about the type of person you are.

So that's what this is about... Fair enough. I think I'll just go now. And you know what? I'll put these bags right where they were; on the floor.

Thanks for nothing, twig.

My pleasure you rude little shit. God, why did I approach her? Oh who am I kidding? I know why...

Jesus, he's so... UGH! How can anyone be friends with THAT? Well, it looks like I've gotta go rebuy everything... Yay. I'm already broke as it is. And I'm about to get evicted? Isn't that just nice? By gosh, by golly, my life is wonderful! I ran out of food, got an eviction notice, and saw the last person I ever wanna see! And I'm talking to myself?! What a beautiful, serene, carefree d— WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW?

I'm gonna help you.


Because I'm gonna prove you wrong.

On what?

On being rude. I can be everything else, just not rude. You could say I'm not exactly programmed to be such. Show me the list of things you need, and I'll buy it for you. I'll even find a way to get you the money you need for the eviction.


Come on, get up.


Do you want my help or not?



Alright fine! You can help...

What was that?

I said you can help!

Alright chill. Now, where do you buy the—

This way.

Hey don't yank me!

Too late.

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