18: Assignment

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Last one of this mini series :)

There she is again. This "Hunter Vanguard" everyone is mourning. I never knew her, which I find interesting because seemingly EVERY Hunter knows her. Or, every Hunter knew her. Her picture is everywhere, and every year on the day of her death, the Commander leaves his quarters for the festival celebrating the end of the war.

He is so dumb.

He says that the war ended Darkness, when in reality, we literally just took the Light from Savathún's grasp. That's all we did. We killed her, thus stopping her from mass producing Hive Ghosts. I'm considered a certified idiot and I know this.

I sit there, in the ramen shop, staring at her. She is next to Cayde-6. Funny guy. He had his thumb up in his picture. She, however, had her arms crossed over her chest, almost as if she didn't want that picture taken. A sly smirk made it into the photo though. I will say, she does look pretty. Correction: did. Yet, as everyone was once told, she's "taken." Oh joy. Another opportunity missed. Then again, I never knew her. Well, there's no use dwelling on it. Maybe I should just—

Oh look it's Dara. Warlock Vanguard is always the best Vanguard to bother. She's short too, so that makes it even funnier.

I got right out of my seat and popped up right next to her. "Hey Dara."

She didn't even look at me as she walked to Ikora's old podium. "Shut up."

"Why?" Dara hates me. I don't care. I like bothering her.

"Because. You're stupid, disgusting, and I'm busy." Wow. A total disregard for my feelings.

"Why are you so mean?" I really do want to know. I stood right in her way. She obviously tried evading. My arms were outstretched, blocking her way.

It would be—no—it IS disrespectful to prevent a Warlock from performing their studies, but I really don't give a shit. I was a little curious as to what Dara was doing anyway. I will set the record straight, I do not like her. I find no attraction to this woman because I just like annoying her. It almost feels like my life mission to make her life worse.

"Bro I swear to GOD," Dara had threatened me by revealing a flash of Light, it gleamed over her body—only for a second though. Her eyes were electrified icy blue with Arc energy. She was plannin' to beam me.

"Trust me homeboy, I will absolutely murder you if you don't move your ugly ass."

I wanted to push her buttons for just a second longer. "Why?"

She paused, almost as if an idea struck her. And one did.

"Do you want to help me?" That was the question that got me into a shit show of drama, death, and maybe love? I don't know the dynamics. I just work here. Apparently, the Hunter Vanguard was alive. She literally climbed out of her damn grave, unbelievable. Some people just don't know how to stay down.

Dara led me to the H.E.L.M., a place with a "War Table". Cool I guess. At this point, I just knew how to pull a trigger and throw a grenade. She told me that the Commander wished to retrieve her immediately, but the undead Guardian literally just got out like 20 minutes ago. This man was so attached to her that he had cameras around her grave. What's crazy was that she was promised to be buried either in the Dreaming City or in a monument. Nope. They threw her in a ditch on one of Earth's most so-so looking cliffs. I used to get away from it all there. The fact that it was so-so was the exact reason why I hid there. Now I had to share my spot with a dead Awoken and her headstone. Now that I think about it, it's probably why Dara picked me to help. The Hunter Vanguard's not even from here, and I would personally think she'd want to be buried in her home. But heyyyyy I wasn't the one married to her.

Dara told me my job was to "collect" this Hunter and bring her back here. Simple enough. All she would have is a jacked up gun and probably no idea as to what's going on. Sounds like me when I'm hungover.

As I grabbed my Incognito Helmet (it was just a modern helmet with a voice changing mod), Dara told me one last thing. "Don't kill her." Like I would do such a thing. Does she not trust me?

*one sparrow ride and bar entrance later*

Shit. I think I punched too hard.

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