Fix You || 10

449 30 20

Jungkook's age in this chapter
is 22.

"Alright kids, solve these problems as soon as possible!!! The first one who will be able to solve all of them correctly will receive a small gift!!!"

Y/n's home room teacher, Mrs.Kim who's her math teacher too chirps, pointing at some simple math sums which are certainly difficult to a ten year old, on the green board.

"You can start now!!!"

She says with a smile and the kids start to copy them down from the board.

"Alright, Mia is the first!!! Let's see if you got all correct to receive the prize!!!"

The teacher says with her usual smile, stepping towards Mia who's standing up proudly after finishing the sums within ten minutes.

"Oh dear... You got two of them wrong. Better luck next time!!!"

The girl's wide grin fade away and she silently takes her seat again, glancing at her answers which are marked in red ink.

"Y/n!!! Let's see if you got all of them correct!!!"

The teacher chirps, approaching y/n who was the next one to finish the sums. She fixed her eyes back on the surface of her desk again until the teacher is going through the answers.

"Everyone, a round of applause for y/n!!! She got everything correct!!!"

Her classmates groan and scoff at her, not that ready to clap for her but they did anyways.

"Hope you like it, y/n!!!"

The teacher says as she pulls a cute pen out from her pocket and handing it to y/n. The little girl thanked her before accepting it, next she silently takes her seat.

"All of you can do anything if you try harder!!! Next time, try to claim the gift for your own... Alright, kids. It's time for the lunch now!!! We'll discuss the answers after the recess!!!"

Making the kids suddenly excited the teacher announces even there are another few minutes to recess. She has double periods today, one before the recess and another one after the recess. As expected, the kids scatter around. Some took their lunch boxes out, while some straightly go towards the playground. Giving the kids some space the teacher leaves the class too and y/n puts her book under the locker in the desk, taking her meal out. She feels some kids staring at her excitedly, but she opens the lunch box which contains Jungkook's delicious food as usual.

As soon as y/n keeps the lid away a confused little scream escaped from her mouth, seeing some living breathing snails enjoying their walk on her food. Hearing her adjacent students laughing, y/n's eyes filled with tears, as she glances at her surround.

"Look at her face!!! You shouldn't miss it for sure!!!"

A boy yells while laughing hard while y/n silently closes her lunch box again, while some tears roll down on her rosy cheeks.

"Why would you do that? I'm hungry..."

She mumbles out while glancing at her surround, not pointing a particular kid as she doesn't know who's that much rude to treat her like this.

"Why? Because you are always so boring, now look at the way screamed!!!"

Another boy says while giggling, making y/n understand that this is done by a group of students, not a particular person. She wipes her tears away from the back of her palm, grabbing her lunch box to put it inside the bag again.

"Eww!!! Are you going to carry those snails with you? That's gross..."

A girl says with a straight and a disgusted face which made y/n sigh softly. She picks it up as she leaves her seat and exited from her classroom to dump her meal in the trash bin. Her little tummy growls in hunger and she doesn't react in an any way, as she steps back to her class. As soon as she enters inside her eyes caught the way Mia is holding her pen which she received from their teacher as a gift, just few minutes ago.

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