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The fair prince never liked the smell of Kingslanding, winds carried forth the filth and dirt of the city. Most windows were kept shut as if to turn their backs to the filth of their people.

But the prince's quarters faced the opposite, with the dragons kept in his line of vision. The wind carried the smell of dragon fire. A smell he was well familiar with.

Aemond peers out his open window, arms crossed, and leans against the brick still. His long white hair softly moving with the gentle wind. His eye watched Bealon down in the dragon's keep. The young prince was gently flexing a baby dragon's wing, smiling in pure joy as the dragon chirped and blew a black cloud of smoke into his face.

Aemond can almost hear his laughter. He knew his love for these animals was greater than his. The tall prince wished he was down there with Bealon, laughing along with him, cleaning the ash from his lovely face.

But he was stuck up in his room, watching his sister approach the prince, doing what he couldn't.


Baelon looked up as Helaena approached him, dressed in green silk, a vision in pools of skirts. "Princess." Baelon greets, standing at full height. "I'm pregnant, the maester confirmed it earlier in the day." Helaena says

Baelon stops breathing completely, staring at Helaena, eyes taking in her figure, stopping at her flat stomach.


With his baby.

Baelon stepped closer, but she held a hand up, stopping him. "That's enough, we must act like a family and nothing more. You will have a position in this baby's life, but in private. If they are to have your coloring then we must act as if we are nothing more than what we are. We can not have them questioning the parenthood of this child." Helaena states

Baelon lowers his hand with a soft sigh, nodding softly. "Forgive me for overstepping." Baelon whispers

Helaena smiled softly, she understood the burden weighing on his chest.


Cahir stepped through the halls of the castle, marching silently when he spotted his prince with a merchant, peering down at silks. "Fashing yourself another robe?" Cahir asks, silently approaching the prince from behind. Baelon looks up and he chuckles. "No, it's meant to be a gift, I believe I am through with robes." Baelon states

Cahir pouts. "Pity, they looked quite lovely on you." Cahir states. He then reaches into his coin purse, grabs a few dragons, and hands them to the merchant, who nods in thanks. "Take your pick." Cahir says with a sweet smile.

Baelon bites his bottom lip, forcing down a grin and he turns back to the cart. The prince forgets he's rich, but Cahir loves the sparkle that appears in his eyes.


Cahir walks beside his prince, carrying the silks as they make their way to Baelon's chambers. "I heard the news." Cahir says, breaking the silence. Baelon looks up and he meets his gaze. "Are you afraid?" Cahir asks

Baelon hums. "I just received the letter, still processing my stepfather's words." Baelon says "War." Cahir mumbles "Do you believe me ready?" Baelon asks "Yes, I do." Cahir says honestly.

Baelon is silent. He wasn't ready....he was about to be a father, news that was still fresh. "Helaena is expecting." Baelon says, causing his protector to freeze. "Fuck." Cahir says

Baelon laughs with no real humor. "It's actually fucking perfect, leaving just as the news of her pregnancy is announced. Provides me a perfect alibi." Baelon sneers to himself.

"Are you regretting it?" Cahir asks

Baelon's red eyes peer up at him. "Yes." Baelon admits, that he hated himself for it. He should be proud. Proud that he cuckolded Aegon, proud that a bastard will be running around Kingslanding. He should be overjoyed, but he was ten and six. A child was a responsibility he wasn't sure he was ready for.

"Does that make me horrible?" Baelon asks

Cahir knew his answer, "No. I've been at your side for years, I've seen the looks, I've heard the whispers. They deserve this. You are my prince and I am loyal to you. A bastard will protect your mother's claim. It's a good move, a move you shouldn't regret. But you are a good man, with a conscience. Helaena could've said no and I know you would honor it." Cahir breathes

Baelon bites his bottom lip, lowering his gaze briefly before looking back up. "Have I told you that you have a way with words?" Baelon breathes

Cahir smiles. "You have but it doesn't hurt to hear it more than once." Cahir breathes

Baelon grins, slowly he approaches Cahir, his eyes peering over the hall, before he grabs his hand and pulls him into the chambers.

Cahir watches Baelon, dropping the silks onto the prince's desk. His steps echo as he follows after the young prince, allowing his armor to fall further and further as they go into the chambers.

The knight's chest presses against the span of Baelon's back, inhaling his intoxicating scent. "You are a temptress, my prince. Beautiful and so very dangerous." Cahir whispers, his hand lowering to grasp the prince's hips, earning a soft gasp.

With a firm grip, Cahir turned the prince so they were face to face, lips inches away. "Let me join you, down at the Stepstones. As your protector, it is my responsibility." Cahir whispers

Baelon smiles, tilting his head to the side. "You are adorable. Of course." Baelon whispers

Cahir's blue eyes brighten before he leans forward and captures the prince's lips in a passionate kiss. Baelon hums in pleasure, leaning closer, pressing their bodies impossibly closer.

From Us To Them • (Aemond Targaryen) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now