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Seven months later

Aemond hated every moment without Baelon, it's been a year since he left and yet it felt longer. And no matter how many letters he writes, he couldn't make time go faster. In the end, the letters are left forgotten on his desk.

Helaena approached her brother with younger Maegor in her arms. The princess set her pale hand on his shoulder, capturing his attention. Aemond looks up at his sister and offers her a smile.

When young Maegor was born, it shocked the kingdom. The boy was born with dark unruly hair. Curls, tiny yet life-altering. Aemond knew who that child belonged to, from the very moment he opened his eyes. But something within him couldn't shun the child away, instead, he loved it as if it were his own. "You are biting at your nails again." Helaena scolds softly.

Aemond sighed, he hadn't noticed. "Why don't you hold Maegor, it might deter you from worrying." Helaena states and before he can deny such pleasure-note his sarcasm-Helaena is placing the infant in his arms. Aemond sighs, staring down at young Maegor. Violet eyes that reminded him of Baelons.

"You shouldn't worry too much, our nephew is coming home. And yes he is getting married and to a bastard no less, it's still joyous news." Helaena says

Aemond eyes his sisters face. "Please don't stray away from showing some enthusiasm." Aemond states sarcastically. Helaena rolls her eyes fondly at her brother, gently cleaning the spit up from her baby's face. "I love Baelon, he's my favorite out of the Velaryon lot, but he will only receive scorn and hate for marrying someone who isn't of legitimate birth." Helaena states

Hypocrite, Aemond wanted to scream but he stayed silent, his arms only warmly cradling the child in his arms. "It is most likely Daemon and Rhaenyra's doing. How would he have time to woo a woman in the thick of battle? I hear it's a nightmare down at the steps." Aemond states, his thoughts still longing to join.

Helaena sighed, she couldn't help but agree. "I hate to agree. I love our sister....she's only ever been kind to me and has always been a huge advocate for love. I just can't imagine her doing this to her sons, to her heir no less." Helaena muses

"It's most likely a plot but no matter what it is, we must show our support." Aemond says

Helaena nods, "I wouldn't have done anything less." Helaena says



Baelon approached a veiled woman, his face covered in soot and blood. He stops a few feet before her, before dropping to his knees. Baelon bows his head and presses his fist to his chest. "It is my honor to be your betrothed. Please accept this gift as a token of my love." Baelon states

The woman slowly lifted her head and peered over at the presented box, her eyes filtering to the three eggs, filled with warmth and life, a promise to her. Her eyes then flicker to the man holding the box. Reckon nods his head, lowering the gift at Baelon's side.

Blue eyes finally fall over Baelon. "Such a marvelous gift for a bastard. I would've thought you would seek a betrothal from someone such as the princess." Her wispy voice breathes

Baelon raises his head. His mismatched eyes filtered over her covered face. "It is not a princess that I want." Baelon states

"It would help you with the war." She muses

"The king and his family have no part in it. While a marriage pact between the daughter and I will benefit our campaign, she is already betrothed and I would not dishonor the future King of Dorne." Baelon states

The cloaked beauty hums, as she continues to examine her future husband. "Why me?"

"To one bastard to another. Why marry at all?" Baelon asks "For advantage, but again why me?"

Baelon smirks. "You are more beautiful than your sisters and if I am to sire more heirs, they must be beautiful and worthy of the Targaryen name. I can not marry just any woman, Arianne, despite their stature. That is why it must be you." Baelon admits

Arianne tilts her head, her blue eyes glinting with mischief. "You are as clever as the rumors foretold. Though you did lie just then. While I am flattered you appreciate my beauty, I know it's my status as the king's favorite bastard that intrigued you the most." Arianne states

Baelon grins, standing tall. "Beautiful and intelligent, our children will be the realms delight." Bealon chuckled, his hand coming behind his back. "You caught me, it does help to be in favor of Dorne. I promised your father that I would take great care of you and in return, he will take care of us." Baelon states

Arianne smirks, "Good, I wouldn't want my new home to fall into peril just before I can settle in. I will take your gifts and I will prepare for our flight. We are taking your dragon are we not?" Arianne asks, her eyes sparkling with mischief and desire.

Baelon smirks, "Of course my love." Baelon states, tipping his head.



This is Arianne and Baelon's first meeting, where they negotiate whether or not they will marry. I believe last time I made it Baelon's choice on whether or not he'll marry a bastard but since Aemond went back in time and changed the timeline, it's different. Instead of Baelon seeking the betrothal, it's Daemon and Rhaenyra.

It's a little hard to fit in all these little details while also trying to smooth out any mistakes I had made in the previous book. Hopefully, I am doing the last book justice.

Also, did you like my little easter egg, hehe, egg? Baelon's intention for the gift is to show how committed he is to their betrothal. He's telling Arianne without words that any children they might have will be legitimate and Dragonriders.

From Us To Them • (Aemond Targaryen) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now