Chapter 1: Call to Adventure

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It was like a vague memory. Or maybe memory isn't the right word. More like the impression you have of a dream that you can't quite remember. But there are images, pictures and general feelings that stick with you. Yes, it was more like that. And at the center of this fantastical image was him. His soul a driven flame, and his smile just as warm. But that's the thing about dreams I suppose. Eventually, you have to wake up, and you are just as empty as you were before.

I ran my fingers across my pale and bare left hand. If anything, the skin was a little dry, a direct result of the boiling heat. But aside from that, I couldn't help but feel like something was missing. Did I forget to wear a ring? A bracelet? No that wasn't it.

"Miss Heartfilia..." I was rocked back to reality by the editor who was reviewing my work, determining its worthiness for publication. "Are you listening to me?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry, please continue." Ugh. I can't believe I zoned out again. This one person is literally deciding my entire future, why am I not more focused?

"As I was saying..." The editor, with her hair pulled tightly back, and glasses glaring from the sun coming through the window continued her review, irritation marking her voice. "To be succinct, Miss Heartfilia, your writing is simply unbelievable. Your narrative is bland and uninteresting, and quite frankly... unreadable."

I listened as my dreams practically shattered before my eyes.

"They say to write from experience." The editor continued, "And you Miss Heartfilia, so apparently have none."

My eyes stung with every biting word.

"To be perfectly honest," The editor took off her glasses and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "This is the fifth work you've brought me Lucy." She sighed heavily. "It's not that you don't have talent, it just lacks.... Soul."

I picked myself up, trying to show my determination. "Well... I mean...I'm currently working on another book as well, it should be much more relatable and compelling..."

The editor lifted her hand, stopping me mid-sentence. "Any story you write, until you can gain more experience yourself just won't be enough. I'm sorry Lucy."

My head hung low, "Okay, thank you for your time." I slowly stood up from my seat and walked out of the office. The receptionist stared at me as I left, obviously realizing that this meeting had turned out much like the others.

With nothing but anger and disappointment littering my mind, I ran back to the one place where I felt the most at home.

As the sliding doors opened and I felt the AC, the immediate smell of books filled my senses. Instant relief washed over me.

"Oh hey Lulu!" I couldn't help but smile as she greeted me, her bright blue hair kept from her eyes by a yellow ribbon.

"Hey Levy!" I walked over to the library reception desk, my elbows resting square in front of her.

"So, are you going to leave me in suspense? How did it go?"

I groaned deeply, my head falling on the desk in front of me.

"That bad huh?"

"I'm never going to be a writer Levy. I just don't think I'm cut out for it."

"What? Why would you say that? Your writing is incredible!" Levy's encouragement was wonderfully appreciated, but I also knew that If it was true, I would've gotten published by now.

I let out a big sigh. "It's okay, I'll get there one day. It's like the editor said! I just need more experience to add to my writing!"

"More experience?" Levy cocked her head to the side in confusion.

Fairy Tail: JourneymanWhere stories live. Discover now